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C.J. Wilson may start Game 2.


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I think either we are beat writers aren't painting the right picture or fans are wearing rose-colored glasses if they have any sort of confidence that Shoemaker is going to pitch.

He has not even stepped on a mound yet. He's not that close even.

He may pitch but right now I would not count on it.

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Were officially screwed if Wilson starts ahead of Shoemaker.  Or if Shoemaker doesnt start at all.


But this just sounds like they are keeping options open.  Shoemaker could still start game 2.


Wilson is a big fat question mark. He could pitch one-hit ball over six innings, or throw 50 pitches in the first and give up five runs.


He's all over the place. There's no idea what you're going to get from him.

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Folks simply aren't paying attention if they thought Shoemaker was going to make a start early in the series...if at all.


The Angels are going to go with the 2002 model. Hope the starter gives you 5 to 6 innings and keeps you in the game and you turn it over to the bullpen. Hell, you may even see Rasmus start in which case they are looking at 3 to 4 innings from the starter. At this point that's the only option they have. You can go back and say DiPoto should have tried to bring in another starter before August 31st when Richards went down but what's done is done.

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If Wilson gets shelled this weekend in Seattle, I don't see how he can pitch in the ALDS.





Rasmus and committee (or Weaver on short rest if we're down 1-2)



Pray for miracles.

If Wilson doesn't pitch well against Seattle, I don't think that will change anything. As long as he's healthy, they'll try to figure out what's wrong with him and our season will depend mightily on him in game 2.

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If Wilson doesn't pitch well against Seattle, I don't think that will change anything. As long as he's healthy, they'll try to figure out what's wrong with him and our season will depend mightily on him in game 2.


What's wrong with him is he doesn't want to throw strikes.


He's had more than enough time to get his act together.

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