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3 keys to winning the ALDS


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I wonder if we can boil down 3 main keys to beating the A's and/or Royals without items like "we have to score more runs than them" or "give up less runs."


Could we point out three specifics that would put us over the top?


For example, Calhoun hitting .280 or more in the series. Is Shoe crucial in this series? Then that would be another one.

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Make sure Wilson starts ALDS game 2, because otherwise him pitching on the road could be an almost automatic loss.   Shoemaker, aside from the KC implosion, has been solid on the road. 


Don't hit Hamilton higher than 6th in the order.    Kendrick and Freese are doing just fine in the 4th/5th spots.


The pitching staff picking up one another as a group.

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Pitching is by far the most important thing in any playoff run. In the regular season and oh might come back if you find yourself in a hole but it's much harder in the postseason. So we need quality starts from our rotation and a lock down bullpen.

Great pitching almost always beats great offense.


so in other words we're toast

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so in other words we're toast

In terms of pitching, we are no where close to the other playoff teams. We've had very good pitching this year but statistically it's still not as good as the other teams. The only two playoff teams that don't have a top 10 pitching staff on the season is us and the Tigers.

I think the easiest path to the World Series is through Oakland and then Detroit. I really don't want to face Baltimore. The Angels may have the best record in baseball, but I feel the Orioles are the better overall team. Their offense is equal to ours but their pitching is far more dominant.

Edited by Chimi
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