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I'm officially worried about Weaver


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Honestly, I hope I am wrong, but nothing this spring points to anything otherwise. No I am not concerned about Weaver, this was just one bad game. I am concerned about the relief pitching. Throughout most of last decade the reason why this team was so successful was because of the bullpen. 

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Dipoto and before that reagins.


Dipoto does deserve some of the blame for the pitching last year, I've acknowledged that in the past, you are correct. However, are pitching coaches useless? Why couldn't Butcher help some of the younger guys with upside like, for example, Richards?

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Dipoto does deserve some of the blame for the pitching last year, I've acknowledged that in the past, you are correct. However, are pitching coaches useless? Why couldn't Butcher help some of the younger guys with upside like, for example, Richards?

Maybe he did help. Perhaps he'd be worse if not for butcher.

Correlation does not equal causation. You are deriving conclusions without direct knowledge of the situation. Your reactionary insinuations are not totally baseless, but they certainly are far from air tight and the fact that you don't recognize or at least accept this makes a lot of your posts seem arrogant and naive. You believe what you believe on limited info and then act surprised when people disagree. It gets old.

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Just curiously, because I haven't been watching the game, what was the ratio of fastballs to off-Speed stuff thrown by Weav. The reason I ask is that in his interview after his last start he said flat out that he would be working on his fastball during his next outting (this one). If the A's were sitting on the fastball, well, that's a dangerous combination.

But let's face it, it's spring training, so giving some information to the opponent is not as critical. Besides, I would not be surprised that his next outting is lights out as he starts mixing together his pitches rather than focusing almost exclusively on one pitch.

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Just curiously, because I haven't been watching the game, what was the ratio of fastballs to off-Speed stuff thrown by Weav. The reason I ask is that in his interview after his last start he said flat out that he would be working on his fastball during his next outting (this one). If the A's were sitting on the fastball, well, that's a dangerous combination.

But let's face it, it's spring training, so giving some information to the opponent is not as critical. Besides, I would not be surprised that his next outting is lights out as he starts mixing together his pitches rather than focusing almost exclusively on one pitch.

The 3 home runs hit off Weaver were all fastballs. He definitely wasn't throwing his usual variety of pitches. 

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