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15 until 500. Let the countdown begin.

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He finished with 30 bombs last season, and is supposedly ahead of that offensive-pace this year.  I expect him to finish with at least 25 homers this season, including #500.  It will be a magical time and hopefully will happen at home.  We need something to look forward to this season...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a great time watching the Angels play at Wrigley. Came home to some pretty bad family news. Sorry for being so late with the update. I believe Albert is at 9 after the shot tonight against Oakland. Closing escrow so I've been a little pre-occupied. Please correct me if I am wrong. Hope all is well with everyone.

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He finished with 30 bombs last season, and is supposedly ahead of that offensive-pace this year.  I expect him to finish with at least 25 homers this season, including #500.  It will be a magical time and hopefully will happen at home.  We need something to look forward to this season...


Maybe I'm just not as jacked about this as some people. Pujols was a great player in St. Louis - which is where the bulk of his stats were put up. He has fallen far short of expectations here. Celebrating an otherwise insignificant home run in a disappointing season because it marks a statistical milestone in his career is something I care little about. 


This is like Wade Boggs saying that he planned to go into the Hall of Fame as a Tampa Bay Devil Ray (which MLB pulled the plug on).

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