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Yoga Opens you to Satanic Possession

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So says Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate and pastor EW Jackson.


As the article points out, he's not alone. Quite a few Christian conservatives have said similar things.


There are some pretty extreme (and, I must say, kind of funny) remarks in that article:


Pastor Mark Driscoll of WA state: "Yoga is demonic. If you just sign up for a little yoga class, you're signing up for a little demon class."


Father Gabriele Amorth of the Vatican: "Practicing yoga is Satanic, it leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter."


And no, the article isn't from the Onion.

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Hilarious for somebody who isn't a bible believing Christian perhaps.  A little over the top for me, but I do understand the Biblical issues with things like yoga.


Now, what I don't get is why this is some issue.  Did this guy make that statement during his campaign?  Is he saying he wants to make yoga illegal? 

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A lot of yoga utilizes the body's Chakras which doesn't have to, but can lead to the better understanding of divination, whether it be with nature in general, such as shapes of birds in flight to Kabbala, numerology or Tarot cards.  I consider myself Christian but maybe a little more open minded than the more orthodox type.   As we are taught, Intention is key to it all.  Anything can be used for good or bad.  Money is a good example.

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Hilarious for somebody who isn't a bible believing Christian perhaps.  A little over the top for me, but I do understand the Biblical issues with things like yoga.


Now, what I don't get is why this is some issue.  Did this guy make that statement during his campaign?  Is he saying he wants to make yoga illegal? 


I have a problem because he is in public office and those statements could damage small businesses like Yoga studios.

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The divination arts when not done with good intentions can lead to demonic tendencies. There are rules.  IMO, Yoga, as it is mostly physical is probably the least of these arts that would manifest anything demonic.  Prayer?  that can be powerful and it is strange that many think it is only used for good.

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