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Just can't put it together

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How about our $50M worth of free agent signees going 2 for 10 with 0 RBI?

There have been far too many instances of that happening. 


I didn't love the Hamilton signing to be honest and I expected regression to an .850 OPS type guy but this bad? I never envisioned he'd have this slash line in early June. 

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Guys Hamilton doesn't give a sh*t and will free swing every at bat while never diving for a ball in LF, so get over it & stop torturing yourselves. 


This team has been cursed somehow and the only way to start over is to clean house. I just see so little motivation or accountability. 


I don't think Skip is the main problem per se but holy hell this is probably the worst performing team I've ever seen.

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This just in: Conger is not ready for clutch at bats.

He was waaay overmatched on Monday night and yesterday.

And of course, after Ghost Pujols and Hackilton contribute to Tuesday's win and hit well their first at bat, they go back to being a pair of 0-4 washed ups, just like they've been throughout the year!

NO MORE washed ups, please Arte Moreno.

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this team, with the talent it has should almost never lose to the cubs.

but the bigger issue is the recent sweep by the astros. usually when talent underperforms like this in mlb they change something.

not here. evidently, management/ownership are just as complacent as the players.

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Guys Hamilton doesn't give a sh*t and will free swing every at bat while never diving for a ball in LF, so get over it & stop torturing yourselves. 


This team has been cursed somehow and the only way to start over is to clean house. I just see so little motivation or accountability. 


I don't think Skip is the main problem per se but holy hell this is probably the worst performing team I've ever seen.


I'm assuming you mean RF.  Hamilton's defense, while having trouble with playing balls off our high wall has been very good.  He has made many diving catches this year and is our best option by far in RF.  

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I disagree with his defense being very good. WAY too many balls drop in front of him. Plus the balls that he overruns that bounce back past him off the wall. He's average at best out there right now. That's even with his arm factored in.

Not that I put a ton of stock in them, but both of the widely used defensive stats (UZR and DRS) essentially agree with that assessment.

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The sad thing is, because of the new CBA, it's going to take at least 4-5 years for us to have a decent farm system again. This obviously implies we don't get lucky with another Trout and Arte stops signing 30+ washed up veterans to massive deals this forfeiting a first round pick and its corresponding draft bonus pool $$.

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I seriously wish that this season never happened.  I just hope that someone in the FO finally gets their head screwed on and makes the right moves. I will be damned if I have to watch this kind of play for seasons to come. 


Hamilton and Pujols are getting older. Weaver's velocity is falling. We won't have this kind of play...

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