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The end of privacy.

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5 hours ago, RallyMo said:

scary stuff, but we all know how this is going to go. it'll be misused on some poor guy who'll then turn around and sue until his case reaches the SCOTUS. at that point, the court will rule it doesn't violate any of our rights, in spite of all of our protests. 

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9 minutes ago, Tank said:

scary stuff, but we all know how this is going to go. it'll be misused on some poor guy who'll then turn around and sue until his case reaches the SCOTUS. at that point, the court will rule it doesn't violate any of our rights, in spite of all of our protests. 

And then conservatives will regret voting for Trump because he'd appoint SC justices who support religious "freedom."

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22 minutes ago, floplag said:

Its already been long gone, they are just more open about it now.
We pretty much gave it up when we allowed the patriot act to happen and its only gotten worse.
If you used one of those DNA services, better not get stupid your already in the national databases. 

It doesn't even have to be you. It could be a sibling or another blood relative of yours.

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