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I tried to convince my son we should make the detour but he was running away from a failed relationship and wanted to put in as many miles as he could to get away from her. Didn't blame him.

We ended up stopping in Memphis and hung out on Beale Street listening to several different blues bands. If I get the chance I want to take my wife to both places.

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my in-laws lived half an hour away from nashville so we went there a few times. couldn't get my family to do jack squat there. managed to take my daughter to andrew jackson's house on one of the hottest days of the summer and have been to the opryland hotel and the opryland mall. that's it. couldn't even talk them in to going to the waffle house.

hope you have better luck than i did, amigo.

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If you like country music, you'll be in heaven. Also, as JAHV76 mentioned, there seems to be a honky tonk bar and BBQ joint on every block.  I remember eating some good ribs and they give you plenty. They're version of cole slaw leaves a lot to be desired.

I also took the Andrew Jackson plantation tour. You would think that it would be enormous, but I remember thinking to myself how small the house was.

I don't like country music, so I didn't have much to do other than visit the different food joints and the tour.  

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2 hours ago, Lawrence said:

I'm a history buff so the Andrew Jackson house sounds intriguing. 

It's ntetesting, but one thing struck me as just plain odd: there's nothing there about his presidency.

he and his wife are buried in the backyard.

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Like I posted earlier, if you're into country music, you probably could stay longer than a couple of days. For example, you can visit the Country Music Hall of Fame and The Grand Ole Opry in addition to the many Honky Tonk bars.

Another thing that struck me about the Andrew Jackson tour was the extremely small slave housing.  Yeah I know, they were slaves, but when you see them up close, you realize how miserable the conditions were.

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I'm actually leaving for Nashville next Friday for work. I will be there for a week. I'm taking my wife and kids because they are on spring break.

i have never been there but I am definitely looking forward to checking it out.

I'm kinda bummed because my son is based at Fort Campbell Kentucky which is only 45 minutes away from Nashville. Unfortunately he is in Afghanistan right now. 

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5 hours ago, IEAngelsfan said:

The more I learn about Andrew Jackson, the more I don't like him as a man.

agreed. he was rumored to have killed a few men, mostly from duels in his younger days, and it was something he had to deal with years later. he also had a lot of contentious dealings with the national bank and native americans. 

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On 3/23/2017 at 9:12 PM, IEAngelsfan said:

I also took the Andrew Jackson plantation tour. You would think that it would be enormous, but I remember thinking to myself how small the house was.


On 3/24/2017 at 10:39 AM, IEAngelsfan said:

Another thing that struck me about the Andrew Jackson tour was the extremely small slave housing.  Yeah I know, they were slaves, but when you see them up close, you realize how miserable the conditions were.

Maybe everyone was just smaller back then...

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On 3/24/2017 at 6:14 PM, Tank said:

agreed. he was rumored to have killed a few men, mostly from duels in his younger days, and it was something he had to deal with years later. he also had a lot of contentious dealings with the national bank and native americans. 

Also had a big issue with the Supreme Court. Fascinating life story for sure, but I'd say he's in the running for our worst ever President based upon the Supreme Court issue alone. Could've effectively dismantled the whole checks and balances system while we were still a very young nation.

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Downtown on Broadway is like a mix between Universal City Walk and Bourbon Street.  Plenty of tourists and bands upset because they get Lynyrd Skynyrd requested to play all night.  Just ilke Bourbon Street however, you have to at least pay it a visit even if its not your thing.

A strong strong recommendation is Prince's Hot Chicken.  Yes, the neighborhood might be quite different from OC in its terms of demographics but its probably the best spicy fried chicken in TN, and its not much of a drive, just go during the daytime.  Damn thats good fried chicken.   A OK place to stop if you are killing time is Corsair Distillery.  You can do generous tastings and I think their gin has won a lot of awards.  Its pretty damn good Gin and comes from some Tennessee hipster distillery.  Take a pass on the Jack Daniels distillery.  You can get a nice view of the city at a hill called "love circle" (google maps).  Its not a far drive out, and could be cool if you are delaying your drinking, or just dont drink.

If you are under 30, you definetly want to spend minimal time on Broadway and maximal time in the Vanderbuilt area.  Losers and Winners are two bars next to each other, circled by a ton of other bars with a slightly older crowd (as in, slightly older than college aged).  The pizza place that does all its business at 3AM when the bars close is known to be pretty good, but nobody has ever ate there sober, I think.

In various dark pockets all around the city are more local bars, filled with hipsters smoking ciggarettes in the place.  Stay away unless youre the artsy type, then defintely go there.  Prepare yourself to see more bachelorette parties in one night than you have seen in a month in Vegas.

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