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Down memory lane

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This seems to be my year to hear bad news regarding high school classmates. Sometime last summer, I found out that one of my band buddies and the president of my senior class was shot to death in his front yard by a young man who he had been trying to help. Recently I have been searching for a few high school friends who I haven't found on Facebook, to see what I could find out. This one I rather wish that I hadn't. Wade Malloy was a good friend of mine, and one of the best musicians in my high school band. He seemed destined for great things. He founded a church in North Carolina, and the church soon added a school. He conspired with the financial officer of the school to divert several million dollars in church and school funds for their personal use, and now he faces five years in federal prison, an unspecified amount of restitution, plus a fine of up to $250,000. He has already plead guilty to the crime. Sentencing has not been scheduled.

Pastor Pleads Guilty To Wire Fraud For Stealing Funds From Huntersville Area Church And Affiliated School

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40 minutes ago, Jobu said:

Did you see the comment implying that he was actually some kind of hero for stealing the money? 

None of you have any idea what your talking about... I get it, you have nothing interesting going on in your life so you feel the need to follow a story like this and post stupid comments saying he should get 10 years and that this kind of crime pays. You are a bunch of people throwing rocks at a glass house. How dare you act like you know tie details of this case. You know NOTHING! All you know is what the court reports report to the papers which is one sided. I have know this family for my entire life and they are good people who got entangled in a very bad situation. He did not "steal" this money for his own personal gain or because he couldn't live within his means. I know the real reason and I am not going to share it with you hypocrites. All I can say is if your family was in the same position as his was you would do the same thing... He is a great person, wonderful husband and father and I pray for his immediate return home, where he belongs!


Ummm WOW!

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I was high school "friends" with this guy as far as sitting next to him for the last 2 years in a few classes, working on group projects and having mutual friends:


He was a quiet guy but I remember we were working on a group project at someone's house and while discussing something he blew up at me over nothing, like cussing and legitimately angry for no good reason.  Extremely intelligent as far as book smarts went but self conscious and had no idea how to interact with the opposite sex in high school which explains why he preyed on a young girl.  

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36 minutes ago, Adam said:

None of you have any idea what your talking about... I get it, you have nothing interesting going on in your life so you feel the need to follow a story like this and post stupid comments saying he should get 10 years and that this kind of crime pays. You are a bunch of people throwing rocks at a glass house. How dare you act like you know tie details of this case. You know NOTHING! All you know is what the court reports report to the papers which is one sided. I have know this family for my entire life and they are good people who got entangled in a very bad situation. He did not "steal" this money for his own personal gain or because he couldn't live within his means. I know the real reason and I am not going to share it with you hypocrites. All I can say is if your family was in the same position as his was you would do the same thing... He is a great person, wonderful husband and father and I pray for his immediate return home, where he belongs!


Ummm WOW!

He's a good boy... 

After all, he had reasons! 

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1 hour ago, Adam said:

None of you have any idea what your talking about... I get it, you have nothing interesting going on in your life so you feel the need to follow a story like this and post stupid comments saying he should get 10 years and that this kind of crime pays. You are a bunch of people throwing rocks at a glass house. How dare you act like you know tie details of this case. You know NOTHING! All you know is what the court reports report to the papers which is one sided. I have know this family for my entire life and they are good people who got entangled in a very bad situation. He did not "steal" this money for his own personal gain or because he couldn't live within his means. I know the real reason and I am not going to share it with you hypocrites. All I can say is if your family was in the same position as his was you would do the same thing... He is a great person, wonderful husband and father and I pray for his immediate return home, where he belongs!


Ummm WOW!

Hmm, in what universe is stealing good?   Unless you are the St. Louis Cardinals FO?

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1 hour ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

I was high school "friends" with this guy as far as sitting next to him for the last 2 years in a few classes, working on group projects and having mutual friends:


He was a quiet guy but I remember we were working on a group project at someone's house and while discussing something he blew up at me over nothing, like cussing and legitimately angry for no good reason.  Extremely intelligent as far as book smarts went but self conscious and had no idea how to interact with the opposite sex in high school which explains why he preyed on a young girl.  

Cat wins

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1 hour ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

I was high school "friends" with this guy as far as sitting next to him for the last 2 years in a few classes, working on group projects and having mutual friends:


He was a quiet guy but I remember we were working on a group project at someone's house and while discussing something he blew up at me over nothing, like cussing and legitimately angry for no good reason.  Extremely intelligent as far as book smarts went but self conscious and had no idea how to interact with the opposite sex in high school which explains why he preyed on a young girl.  

Parents:  "he's a good boy".

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2 hours ago, Adam said:

None of you have any idea what your talking about... I get it, you have nothing interesting going on in your life so you feel the need to follow a story like this and post stupid comments saying he should get 10 years and that this kind of crime pays. You are a bunch of people throwing rocks at a glass house. How dare you act like you know tie details of this case. You know NOTHING! All you know is what the court reports report to the papers which is one sided. I have know this family for my entire life and they are good people who got entangled in a very bad situation. He did not "steal" this money for his own personal gain or because he couldn't live within his means. I know the real reason and I am not going to share it with you hypocrites. All I can say is if your family was in the same position as his was you would do the same thing... He is a great person, wonderful husband and father and I pray for his immediate return home, where he belongs!


Ummm WOW!


You should comment on his post.  I went to high school with him.  He was a cock back then too.

But let's see.  Not stealing for personal gain, or because he couldn't live within his means.  So he was robin hood right, and gave to the poor?  Or maybe the girls at the social gathering place needed college money?  I know, it was sport, all the bankers are trying to one up each other on how much money they can get away with.

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4 hours ago, Blarg said:

Why in the hell does he have to go to AIDS education classes if he was jerking off in the park? 

There had to be some cornholing going on. Maybe the cop just gave him a break and fudged the citation a little. Like when you get caught going 90 mph but he writes it up as 80.

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2 hours ago, mtangelsfan said:

Parents:  "he's a good boy".

As far as I know he was up until then but obviously I get what you mean when the parents always seem to say that despite whatever terrible or stupid thing their kid has done.  He was extremely intelligent as far as being in the top 5% of our graduating class while taking AP courses but he always struck me as being one of those kids who was wound too tight because school was all he did.  The type who you think will get to college and could suddenly flip a switch while partying their way out but obviously he went a completely different route.  I never understood the swastika considering he was at least half Asian but maybe he thought that would fool authorities or was some kind of self hatred thing.  

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I know in HS he was straight laced but who knows what he was like then.  What he did was definitely premeditated and the name and info he gave the girl was that of one of our friends who I still know to this day.  Makes me think it's one of those situations where he thought he could outsmart authorities.  Hopefully the girl has moved past it as much as possible and good for her friend for helping cops lure him out when he planned to do it again.   

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5 hours ago, Adam said:

None of you have any idea what your talking about... I get it, you have nothing interesting going on in your life so you feel the need to follow a story like this and post stupid comments saying he should get 10 years and that this kind of crime pays. You are a bunch of people throwing rocks at a glass house. How dare you act like you know tie details of this case. You know NOTHING! All you know is what the court reports report to the papers which is one sided. I have know this family for my entire life and they are good people who got entangled in a very bad situation. He did not "steal" this money for his own personal gain or because he couldn't live within his means. I know the real reason and I am not going to share it with you hypocrites. All I can say is if your family was in the same position as his was you would do the same thing... He is a great person, wonderful husband and father and I pray for his immediate return home, where he belongs!


Ummm WOW!

stealing is wrong!

unless you have a good reason that can't be shared with anyone.

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