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Why Germany just closed its borders to refugees

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I really have no problem with countries refusing to absorb a mass migration of peoples from a war torn country. They are not of their language, culture or economic and educational background and would be welfare cases for decades. It sounds cruel and lacking a humanitarian stance to send children back (because it always becomes a plea for the children while the adults tag along) but Germany didn't start their war, nor run their culture into the ground with civil wars based on conflicting dogma. Why should they take the responsibility for the expenses of housing and feeding that countries problems?

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We haven't discussed this situation on here yet, but here's my take:

1) Why should only Europe have to take these people? Why can't Arab countries help?

2) Even if every one of these people were genuine refugees and initially loved their European host countries for the help, they won't/can't assimilate and if they stay their kids will become the problem Muslims that plague Europe now and glare at you in kebab shops. And the assimilation problem lies with the natives too, most Germans aren't going to accept Abdul even if he's drinking liter steins and downing pork schweinhaxe at Oktobefest because, frankly, he's brown. Same shit in France, etc.

3) It's retarded to think ISIS or al Qaeda or small dick/hairy body generic terrorist group doesn't have some of its folks in the hundreds of thousands of these people streaming into Europe.

4). Let's take them all. Immigrants assimilate in the U.S. better and we would keep a better eye in them with our excessive spying shit.


1.  Yeah, that's a big question.  Guess it's that whole religious divide.  Sunni, Shiite and whatever else, while Catholics or Christians need not apply.


2.  I think a lot of these refugees are thinking that life will be better in Germany or these other European countries.  Then they will realize they can't speak or read the language.  They may have been doctors or engineers or businessmen in Syria, but all that is worth is driving a cab or being a janitor in Germany.  They will eventually band together in communities, since that will be the only way they can easily communicate.  And in will come frustration, see Frances Muslim community.  Then #3 will happen.


3.  I think this is what Hungary and Germany are finally realizing.  When you let anyone in, it's easier for infiltration of undesirables.  Whether it be ISIS, Al Qaeda, or just a plain murder or rapist or thief.  


4.  No.

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This is actually a dilemma. One the one hand, people have a moral responsibility to help their fellow men. On the other hand, we know from experience that some immigrants cause problems for the receiving country. It may actually not be good for the overall situation, the people not able to flee. Maybe housing them temporarily? 


Europe is already in decline. Maybe this will hasten it. Maybe the newcomers will revitalize it. At least, they'll provide the continent with a future population. 

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Actually Germany needs immigrants as their working population has been declining for years. This volume of immigrants would be hard for any nation to manage. If the Germans can train these immigrants for some of their needed jobs, this might be a great plus for Germany.

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I haven't had a chance to really research this, so pardon my ignorance...


But, are they actually "refugees"?  Many sought refuge in Turkey then, in essence, decided they didn't care for that too much and wanted to move elsewhere.  Wouldn't that basically make them migrants?


Anyway--I don't think Europe should have to be burdened with this.  Nor should we. 


Like cals said.  You would have to be a complete idiot not to think there aren't terrorists capitalizing on this. 

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It should be a surprise to nobody that the Arab countries aren't doing a damn thing to help. Other than pump oil, do they do anything positive for the rest of the world?

I'd be all on board with the U.S. taking on some of these people. But I'd prefer to do it the right way and spend the money to give them some kind of education/training so they can actually get jobs. That means there would need to be a limit on the number we take.

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Rabble rabble rabble !!!! But seriously. The Arab response has been shameful as always, they've treated the Palestinians seeking refuge with much the same ambivalence for the last 60 years. The gulf states and Saudi Arabia particularly have failed when it comes to helping their Arab brothers. It's especially unfortunate that they have greatest means to provide aid. To be fair, Jordan has taken many Syrian refugees in.

Edited by UndertheHalo
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