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He has been constantly stepping out of the batters box and taking his swings and then steps back in and watches pitches go by down the heart of the plate.

I know baseball is a lot more difficult than we make it seem but I am smart enough to notice a pattern. I don't get why those on the field don't notice it.

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I have to admit I'm frustrated by Trout's hitting after the ASB.

The good news is that he is young and has all off season to address the two main issues of looking at every first pitch, and more so the increasing emphasis on power but also the deemphasis on stealing bases.

Maybe Trout/Calhoun is ultimately the better 1-2 in the order?

Edited by Angel Oracle
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yeah, i saw the world series against the dogs when mantle had the clap and when something like 1 for 14. happens to the best of em.

1963 world series mantle batted .133 and were swept by kofax, drysdale and the dogs.


The Mick has WS record 18 HRs, played on seven winners. holds WS records for RBI, runs, xbh, total base hits and a blood alcohol level of 3.8 and never scratched his crotch when the ball was in his wheelhouse lol :D 

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On Sunday, after Trout makes a first-pitch out:"Hey Trout, try working the count a little bit!".

Shut up with your facts.

In all seriousness it would show he is making adjustments to something that isn't working, so far. Might as well try something new.

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A good pitching coach preaches keeping the hitters off balance. Keep 'em guessing. In fact, that's one of the reasons we're told that Kershaw got lit up last night and in the NLCS last year was that the Cardinals were tipped off. Could be. Makes sense anyway why a dominant pitcher can look less than ordinary.

But there's the hitting side of this as well that I just don't understand when you observe Trout's approach. Mike is immensely talented but one of the things he was praised for so much in his first two full years was his ability to adjust. Now? Completely predictable. Pitchers aren't uncomfortable. Throw the first pitch anywhere in the zone for strike one. Throw a fastball up in the zone that Trout can't catch up to in which he either swings through it or fouls it off for strike two. And there's Mike's starting point. This is post-ASB 2014 Mike Trout. Sure, his talent still enables him to do something special now and again but that's where he begins. 0-2 way, way too often. And until pitchers are wary enough to think that he'll jump on a first-pitch meatball every so often, this is going to continue.

Mike will have lots to think about over the winter. I believe we'll see a different, more 2013-like Mike Trout next year. If not, expect declining numbers across the board.

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I'm not bagging on Trout. I'm just pointing out the painfully obvious. Pitchers are throwing it right in his wheelhouse on the first pitch knowing he won't swing. This shows a complete lack of fear. Then they have him chasing their pitches the rest of every at bat.


I want Trout to figure this out, crush the next first pitch meatball over the fountains in KC, and then watch him take off from there. What we're watching now is painful. We already have one giant gaping hole in the order. We don't need another one in the two spot. And Kendrick is making it three.


It's like watching Chone Figgins in the playoffs all over again. Times three.

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