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TBS Broadcasters


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I don't think either one of those guys actually watched last night's game. Their collective analysis was atrocious. 


More than once I was trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about. The postgame analysis was terrible as well. Hopefully the Angels sweep the series and we can move quickly to another broadcaster for the ALCS....right? Or does TBS have the ALCS as well?

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I posted on FB what I thought about the broadcast team and it echoes what is typed above.  Darling was droning on and on and missed critical decisions and plays.  He was more involved with Lester's cutter.


I couldn't bear to watch the post-game, so I immediately switched to MLB.  

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More than once I was trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about. The postgame analysis was terrible as well. Hopefully the Angels sweep the series and we can move quickly to another broadcaster for the ALCS....right? Or does TBS have the ALCS as well?



I am going to make a little wager... whoever is doing the ALCS, regardless of network.... we're going to hate them, too.

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TBS's coverage is almost like a parody but unfortunately it's real.

I've never seen announcers so disinterested in what was going on. That was an amazing game and not once did Ernie Johnson ever get excited about something. He had the same tone for the game winning hit that he did for a pointless grandout in the 4th inning.

Then on the post game they have Pedro Martinez as an analyst. He was completely unlistenable and at one point gave his analysis in Spanish. Have to get through to all those Spanish speaking fans in Kansas City.

Their whole coverage makes me want to lay down on the couch and take a nap. It's incredibly boring.

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I am going to make a little wager... whoever is doing the ALCS, regardless of network.... we're going to hate them, too.


sucker's bet!


During the season I enjoy listening to the broadcasters from other teams (outside of the White Sox), one of the best parts of SiriusXM. But National broadcast teams tend to be different, it's as if since they aren't doing a broadcast day after day they fall back on cliches and outdated baseball trope.

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No you don't want physioc.

He would talk about jeter and the yankees half the broadcast


constantly referring to Jeter as "Jeets" and the Yankees as the "Bronx Bombers" ?


I couldn't stand that he and Hudler seemed to be averse to calling David Ortiz by his name.

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