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Ok, back when the A's backed into the 2nd wild card, I said it sucked that the new change caused them to avoid entering the history books for one of of the worst collapses in history...but after that game, this end result was way better


we get the great 2nd half collapse followed by the play-in game collapse


7-3 lead in the 8th with Lester on the mound. That's gonna sting

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I never really hated the A's. I mean, I really hated the steroid era A's, but this recent bunch I kind of respected for playing above their cumulative talent level. However, after the Cespedes trade, I started to check their boards a bit to see what their fans thought about the trade. Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised, but the level at which their fans hate the Angels is bizzare. It's like reading the comments section at the bottom of a political article. I read these boards pretty consistently and the level of animosity and irrational anger toward the A's would be maybe a 1 or 2 versus a level 10 from their fanbase towards the Halos. I continued to check their boards every so often and really grew to hate the A's, not because of the players or management but because of their (sorry I was going to use a politically incorrect word here and had to stop myself) fans. Even at the point of the game where the A's were getting injured and I realized they would be the far easier opponent, I didn't care and wanted to see them slink off the field like the losers their fans are. F'&$* the A's fans, I'm so happy your team will go down in history as one of the all-time biggest choke jobs!

Edited by gurn67
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