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This game proves...


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...that we would be much improved if Hamilton were to return with at least some semblance of good health. With Freese and Aybar added, a pitcher couldn't mow through the bottom of the order like Lester is doing.


I wouldn't say it's "proved"

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This proves that Torii Hunter continues to stay healthy and play solid with no drama while our Angels try to figure out what to do with Hamilton.

What is crazy is that if you believe WAR then Hamilton has been more valuable to the Angels than Hunter has been to the Tigers. Hunter is actually a negative WAR player this year because of his poor defense, who would have ever thought that? While at the same time Hamilton is a plus 1 WAR player this year. If WAR has any validity then seeing what we have seen from Hamilton and he has been better than Hunter, then I sure as hell wouldn't want to endure watching Hunter play this season.

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We are talking about about a .260 hitter with a .745 OPS. The only thing Josh brings to the lineup is name value...but they aren't really missing his production

And that's with an inflated and fluky (for him) .350 BABIP.

And since June he hasn't done much of anything positive.

Edited by Angels
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