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fantasy football league

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i'd like to have another team this year. i've never done a flex or ppr league before and was thinking i'd like to try one. rather than find one with strangers i figured i'd invite some of you guys into it. i haven't created the league yet, but it'll be a night time draft as that suits most people. i'm thinking 10 teams, but we can do 12 if you guys end up being into it.


first come first served as long as you are a frequent poster here, that's my only qualification. mariner's and ranger's fans welcome, as long as they meet the previous standard. standard draft and scoring, ppr with a flex position over the 3rd wr slot. draft sooner rather than later.


any interest?

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Official AngelsWin Fantasy Football League? 


I'm in. 


i doubt it's official because i'm not the guy for that, but it would be a league of members here. if chuck wants in, he can call it whatever he likes.

Edited by ukyah
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We already have one.


Kurt, do you need another owner or two or are we all full? 

We have three invite e-mails sent which would fill the league but they have not joined yet.  If not here very soon and someone wants in send your e-mail.  It is a live draft league.

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We have three invite e-mails sent which would fill the league but they have not joined yet.  If not here very soon and someone wants in send your e-mail.  It is a live draft league.


Guys, PM Kurt with your email address. First come, first serve. 


Kurt, whoever gets in first claims the open spots. We need to get moving on this and draft. 


Also, any thoughts on doing this in Yahoo and just scrapping the ESPN league?

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Guys, PM Kurt with your email address. First come, first serve. 


Kurt, whoever gets in first claims the open spots. We need to get moving on this and draft. 


Also, any thoughts on doing this in Yahoo and just scrapping the ESPN league?

That's fine we are drafting from scratch anyway.  

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i'd like to thank whomever for moving this for no goddamn reason at all and moving the "official" league to the main board. what a bitch move. the other league is nearly full. it's not a freaking competition guys, the leagues aren't even the same type.


unbelievable. could we move it back to the main board? just so guys can see the two leagues and get them filled, then we can move or delete the thread for all i care.


in any case, we have 2 in with some invites out waiting for acceptance. as previously stated, 

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