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Hamilton since his return

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Looking at his stats, he's hitting .282 but with 1 HR (first game) and 5 doubles. I don't get to see many games, just the one live in Cleveland and the rare on TV. How does he look? It would be nice if he got in a groove like he was in before the injury. 

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He's Jekyll & Hyde. From one AB to the next he can look completely useless or like the MVP. The good news is he's been hitting lefties much better than last year. Since he's come back he's also had a few balls that were close to going out or would have been out in different ballparks, so I'm not too worried about the power, he seems to be driving the ball fine.

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He has such a nice stroke when he swings. The ball really just jumps off his bat.


He looks lost sometimes because he still likes swinging at low balls and especially off speed stuff.


He has hit some balls hard to the warning track.

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So far I've counted three balls that he hit that would've left any other field but were flown out to the deepest part of Angel Stadium and were knocked down by the marine layer. The power us there and will arrive soon.


He had one in Houston (I think in his first AB back) that went to the deepest part of the park and would have been gone in literally any other stadium.

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He had one in Houston (I think in his first AB back) that went to the deepest part of the park and would have been gone in literally any other stadium.

He also had one at home that would have been over the fence but was robbed by a great play from Coco Crisp.

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Who does? Would you say Trout is earning 33 million? (Yes I know that isn't his current salary but that is what he will be making)

He's contributing. He's getting hits, drawing some walks, running the bases well. He's not earning $25 Million a year but he's not a problem. Hopefully he starts putting some balls into the seats

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Yes, Trout is earning that kind of money. He's likely the MVP favorite in the AL and is on pace for a 35+ HR, 20+ SB season with well over 100 RBI(which the voters love) and a .300+ BA. How many other players in baseball will put up that production? I'll guess the list is short, as in...just Mike Trout

Edited by bloodbrother
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Who does? Would you say Trout is earning 33 million? (Yes I know that isn't his current salary but that is what he will be making)



Umm yeah. Trout is worth more $ than any player in baseball

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