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No sacrifice hits?


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According to mlb.com, the Angels have 0 sacrifice hits this season through 20 games this season. This from a team that had 37 last season and has averaged 44 over the last 4 seasons.

I can't believe Sosh finally woke up this off season and decided that bunting is bad. Also, there are guys in the lineup who are proven bunters like Aybar, Schuck & Kendrick.

This off season, the organization decided to use advanced defensive metrics to position their fielders. Do you think they convinced Sosh, using advance offensive metrics, that giving away outs in the American League is bad idea more often than not? There has to be a reason why a manager who has consistently finished at the top or near the top of his league in sacrifice hits year after year is not doing it at all.

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Freese had a sac fly in yesterdays game.

Sacrifice hit = A strategic play by the batter where the ball is bunt by the hitter for the purpose of helping a runner on base progress around the bases.


Sacrifice fly is a different stat entirely.

Edited by gurn67
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I would imagine much like Trout and steal attempts it's mostly about opportunity.

So far the Angels have had 47 runners at first with no outs and runners at first and second with no outs 10 times. Last year, which was his lowest year ever for amount of sac hits, he sacrificed about 9% of the time in those situations which would put them at about 5 of 57 this year. I don't think it's lack of opportunity.


Also, you would think that one of the reasons you sacrifice to stay out of the double play. Last year the team led the AL in double plays, this year they are tied for 2nd for fewest. Is it possible he was told to let the players just go up and swing the bats?

Edited by gurn67
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You know I love stats as much as the next guy but those raw numbers don't mean the situation called for a bunt or that they happened with a viable bunt candidate at bat. It's entirely possible that he's decided or been requested to play for bigger innings but I honestly don't remember seeing a situation that screamed bunt to me.  I am surprised that no sac attempts have been made in the 2 games in the NL park.

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So far the Angels have had 47 runners at first with no outs and runners at first and second with no outs 10 times. Last year, which was his lowest year ever for amount of sac hits, he sacrificed about 9% of the time in those situations which would put them at about 5 of 57 this year. I don't think it's lack of opportunity.

Also, you would think that one of the reasons you sacrifice to stay out of the double play. Last year the team led the AL in double plays, this year they are tied for 2nd for fewest. Is it possible he was told to let the players just go up and swing the bats?

I read that and it basically tells me that people on here complain too much about the use of the bunt in seasons past. If he only sac bunted 9% of the time that's not that big of a deal. Also, if we have had runners on first and second with no outs I personally would bunt most of the time in that situation. I would bunt in that situation with Shuck, Ianetta, Aybar, Cowgill, Freese (right now), maybe Howie depending on who is hitting behind him.

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This is great news. Giving away outs is almost never a good idea.

If we had runners on 1st and 2nd I would never recommend bunting unless a pitcher was at the plate or it was in the 8th or 9th inning and we needed 1 run to tie or take the lead.

Save the outs. Don't needlessly sacrifice them to the baseball Gods.

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According to mlb.com, the Angels have 0 sacrifice hits this season through 20 games this season. This from a team that had 37 last season and has averaged 44 over the last 4 seasons.

I can't believe Sosh finally woke up this off season and decided that bunting is bad. Also, there are guys in the lineup who are proven bunters like Aybar, Schuck & Kendrick.

This off season, the organization decided to use advanced defensive metrics to position their fielders. Do you think they convinced Sosh, using advance offensive metrics, that giving away outs in the American League is bad idea more often than not? There has to be a reason why a manager who has consistently finished at the top or near the top of his league in sacrifice hits year after year is not doing it at all.


Personal on the team.  He has some mashers in there!


Plus the bunters have not had many opportunities where a bunt is wise.  For example, how many times have Aybar, Shuck, or Kendrick been up with someone on base with less than 2 outs?  Or even late in the game?

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So far the Angels have had 47 runners at first with no outs and runners at first and second with no outs 10 times. Last year, which was his lowest year ever for amount of sac hits, he sacrificed about 9% of the time in those situations which would put them at about 5 of 57 this year. I don't think it's lack of opportunity.


Also, you would think that one of the reasons you sacrifice to stay out of the double play. Last year the team led the AL in double plays, this year they are tied for 2nd for fewest. Is it possible he was told to let the players just go up and swing the bats?


You hit and run to stay out the double play.  You sacrifice to move a runner into scoring position.


I have to ask out of those 47 times, who was up to bat?  Trout, Hamilton, and Pujols are not bunting.  Who is behind?  Do they have the ability to drive in the run?  Finally, our pitching staff. Do we have a staff to win games that are low scoring?  All those dictate if you should bunt or not.

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I read that and it basically tells me that people on here complain too much about the use of the bunt in seasons past. If he only sac bunted 9% of the time that's not that big of a deal. Also, if we have had runners on first and second with no outs I personally would bunt most of the time in that situation. I would bunt in that situation with Shuck, Ianetta, Aybar, Cowgill, Freese (right now), maybe Howie depending on who is hitting behind him.


There was one situation where I thought the team absolutely should have bunted but didn't, and you all disagreed with me. So maybe there haven't been any actual situations where a bunt made sense.

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Small ball is the way to go when you have a bunch of crapy hitters lined up and a need for each individual run.


This team is bult around Trout, Pujols and Hamilton in the middle of the order, and a complete lack of a bullpen. They should not be doing anything that plays towards low scoring, tight games.

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Small ball is the way to go when you have a bunch of crapy hitters lined up and a need for each individual run.

This team is bult around Trout, Pujols and Hamilton in the middle of the order, and a complete lack of a bullpen. They should not be doing anything that plays towards low scoring, tight games.

Now that Hamilton and Calhoun out you have Trout and Pujols surrounded by a bunch of crappy hitters. Time to make better use of at bats and move more runners rather than wait for an accidental hit.
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Sacrifice hit = A strategic play by the batter where the ball is bunt by the hitter for the purpose of helping a runner on base progress around the bases.


Sacrifice fly is a different stat entirely.


What? So many levels of confusion here.

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