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Crazy stat

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That isn't a crazy stat at all. The Rangers and M's have never won a World Series. This is only the Astros second year in the division, but they never won a World Series. The A's haven't won one since 1989.

Since the Angels won the World Series, Boston has won three, SF and ST. Louis has won two, NYY, Marlins, Phillies, and the CWS have won one.

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That's a potential Jeopardy question, you little devil you; I like the cut of your jib.



Give us another stat when you get the chance. 

Edited by failos
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That's a crazy stat?

I've got a better one.

5 out of 8 thread starters on aw.com are fails.


Why does this post have 2 likes?  The crazy level of this stat may be significantly lower than OP implies, but going out of your way to ensure his post count stays in the single digits over such an innocuous thread seems a bit overkill.  

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