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Is it just me, or is AngelsWin having trouble loading?

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Had trouble earlier today with slow loading of pages then got a popup window with some weird looking anime avatars with background music.  Had to close my browser with the task manager to get rid of it, but it immediately popped up again when reopening the browser.  Ran ccleaner and it never came back after that so I didn't bother running any other malware programs.

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I'm getting the anime popups this morning. Irritating.


Is this malware, and should I be concerned about it?

Whenever a random popup asks you to click on something before allowing you to close your browser, it's more than likely malware.


What ever you do, don't click on the popup because that will start the download process of the malware.  I had to use the task manager to close my browser when it happened to me yesterday.  Haven't seen anything today so far.

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Just got the same anime popup again.  When quit program thru task manager, it showed the name of the popup to be "lp many queens sound".  It appears to be new adware that started popping up a few weeks ago.  Wouldn't be surprised if it's somehow piggybacking on some of these autoplay videos and popup ads here on AW.


Some more info on this adware:



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Having more trouble now, this time on Firefox. Pages are taking a LONG time to load, and I had to force-quit the browser to get things moving again. The page just stopped loading and I couldn't do anything.


it'll all clear up once you make your initial payment (2 or 3 times, if necessary), send your ss#, print out your coverage card, and sign up for the bronze plan.

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I'm wondering if all those video ads are causing the slowdowns. And now there's something new, popup ads at the bottom of the page. You have to close the damn thing each time. It's very irritating.


Why do we have to have all these ads on this site?? Surely there must be a better way.

Edited by fan_since79
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In my opinion Firefox sucks.  Stop using it and scan your entire computer for malware, spyware and viruses.  I use Chrome for almost everything and IE for work web applications.  Also if you have any of the toolbars from the search engines installed remove them.  They can cause problems.  

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