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Orange County Register: Simers: Angels to win it all? What's Miller thinking?

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I like the Angels' chances this year better than I liked Boston's chances a year ago.  Clay Buchholz had the best ERA in their rotation in 2012.  It was 4.56.


The Angels can certainly make a run.  People that think they have no chance 1) don't know a damn thing about baseball, 2) have their heads up their ass, 3) are loudmouth attention whores.  In this case, it is at least two of the three. 

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For being negative, he did say the Angels should win the division. But highlighted their concerns in the back end of the rotation.

This column isn't at all bad. Must we beat down on Simers for every column he writes?

The back end of the rotation is much more important for the regular season, and he says the Angels will win the division.

He really seems to have a grudge with that other writer. Then he claims the Dodgers are going to win the WS without mentioning anything other than starting rotation. The Dodgers are a good team, but I don't think they are better than last year when they didn't make the WS. I just find it funny he makes that prediction after grilling another guy for making predictions.

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I dont have a bad thing to say about he dodgers pitching wise, and their bullpen looks very good.

But their offense to me is still suspect. And just as a ton of things fell into place for them last year, more than a few could fall back to normal this year. Puig likely doesnt repeat. Still a plus hitter, but I think hes more of the guy we saw after his insane first month. Hanley was a beast last year, but take his previous 3 years into account and its fair to wonder if he can do it again. Uribe had a very uncharacteristic year for him (again using splits). Can aj ellis repeat? Will agon decline a bit on contact (along with already diminished power) etc etc.

They are still the best team in the division, and with their pitching, one of the best in baseball. But they arent the best. And the NL has a few other teams who at very least match up even with them.

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