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Dexter - Season 8 will be its last

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Yep... Thought it was gonna jump the shark when Deb found out about him, but it's still been very good.


I would have to say Dex will get taken-out by Bautista.... or, by Deb over one of their "moral disagreements".

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I'm hoping for a spin-off... "Masuka: Dirty Coroner"


I agree that Jennifer Carpenter does a great job as "Debra", but Dexter (Michael Hall)  found her to be as grating as I often do and they split-up back in 2011.

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I'm hoping for a spin-off... "Masuka: Perv Dirty Coroner"


I agree that Jennifer Carpenter does a great job as "Debra", but Dexter (Michael Hall)  found her to be as grating as I often do and they split-up back in 2011.



I think the timing is right.  Although last season was very good, the few prior seasons were kind of lame.

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