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Garret Richards

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Dropped his WHIP of 1.563 last year down to a very respectable 1.249 this year, in large part due to improving  from 4.3 to 2.5 BB/9.  His stuff is so good that as long as he can keep his command reasonably in check, he's going to be effective.  

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K rate slightly up from last year, BB rate down a pretty significant margin. It's good to see and hopefully he continues. It would be a huge boost for the team going forward if Richards can develop into a solid mid rotation guy. They need a young arm to pan out for them in a big way

I would add that they would almost "deserve" this. Too many bad breaks in recent years re Morales and Adenhart and now Pujols and Hamilton not panning out as yet.

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Richards has really worked hard on repeating his mechanics.  He's not quite where he wants to be just yet, but he'll get there and when he does, he's going to be dominant.  He's really become someone of an expert on what he needs to do, sometimes you'll see him make a decent pitch and see his angry reaction because there's something he was trying to do that he didn't.  


As for next year's rotation, I'm good with Weav, Wilson and Richards.  But because of the inconsistency of the offense and bullpen, they're going to need two pitchers a lot better than Jason Vargas and Jerome WIlliams to seriously compete next year.  Look for the Angels to try and land two legitimate middle of the rotation starters via trade/free agency in the offseason.  


I know it's a long shot, but I'd do whatever it takes to try and bring Hiroki Kuroda in.  He's pitched in So-Cal before and seemed to enjoy it. 

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....Look for the Angels to try and land two legitimate middle of the rotation starters via trade/free agency in the offseason....  



I think we have a legit middle of the rotation guy in Vargas....his stats from the past few years (including this year) say so.....really think we need to upgrade the pen, that's been our biggest issue for awhile....

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And that seems like a decent idea, I mean Vargas would be your typical 4th SP.  It seems to me that despite my optimistic outlook on Richards, it'd be best to designate him as a 5th SP for now, mostly because in the course of 30 starts a lot can go wrong.  I think he's a solid #3 SP but it's best to play it safe and designate him a #5 and sign or trade for a #3.  


But I've observed that Dipoto tends to address issues on the team in an unconventional manner.  If the bullpen needs help, he'll bolster the offense to try and eliminate the narrow margin of error for relievers.  If the rotation needs help he'll just sign some inning eaters and try to protect the starters by putting together a good defensive unit.  


I hope he just addresses the issues directly this time. 

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Richards has a sub 1.00 WHIP in 26 innings over these past 4 starts.    That and his GB/FB ratio are what jump out the most.

Vargas is just fine as the #4 starter.   Re-sign him!


If we try to sign Garza, I hope we finished in the bottom 10 in MLB.   No more losing good draft picks

Don't forget that Trumbo could be traded for a mid/lower rotation guy as well.  


Clearly, the bullpen is the most important it's ever been.   See 2012 O's.

Get it right this time, JeDi.    Don't forget Morin and Berg on the farm, and farther down the road, Alvarez.

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The Angels should try to sign Matt Garza. I'd love a rotation of: Weaver, Wilson, Garza, Vargas and Richards to start the 2014 season.


I was on board with this too Chuck, until Garza's recent twitter rant.  As trivial as I might sound, I think that single episode showed just how immature and reckless Garza can be.

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I know Dipoto's big on bringing in "character" players, and while Garza's certainly a character, I don't think he's what the Angels are looking for.  Of course, I also never envisioned us signing Albert Pujols or Josh Hamilton and both of those happened. 


shhh... we blame Arte for those

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I was on board with this too Chuck, until Garza's recent twitter rant.  As trivial as I might sound, I think that single episode showed just how immature and reckless Garza can be.

At this point who cares as long as he pitches well.

We saw how good of a guy Vernon Wells was but he was seen as a bum because he didn't produce on the field.

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