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Who’s to blame?

Who’s to blame 5/13/23  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Who’s to blame for tonight’s loss?

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Nevin 100%.

There was no reason to shift Drury to 1st base and Urshela to 3rd. Rengifo can play 3rd which keeps a better defensive player at 1st while there is a string of left handed batters. That was exposed by two important playable balls going right by Drury which could have ended the inning. 

There was no reason to leave Wantz in for a second inning of work, there were rested arms in the bullpen.

There was no reason to bring Tepera in for a high leverage situation. Once there he had to face 3 batters, all of which scored. 

Nevin orchestrated this loss, Tepera was his second fiddle. 

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33 minutes ago, Blarg said:

Nevin 100%.

There was no reason to shift Drury to 1st base and Urshela to 3rd. Rengifo can play 3rd which keeps a better defensive player at 1st while there is a string of left handed batters. That was exposed by two important playable balls going right by Drury which could have ended the inning. 

There was no reason to leave Wantz in for a second inning of work, there were rested arms in the bullpen.

There was no reason to bring Tepera in for a high leverage situation. Once there he had to face 3 batters, all of which scored. 

Nevin orchestrated this loss, Tepera was his second fiddle. 

At some point. Angel fans need to start holding the players accountable for their performance or lack there of.

Only losers or those with agenda's, or in Blargs case, both, would try to shift blame to anyone outside the lines.  

Becoming  apparrant that Blarg, and so called Angel fans like him, deserve as much pain as possible.  Losers.

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Minasian for holding onto like five fairly redundant guys with basically zero roster flexibility who fill maybe two roles on a team…Barria, Wantz, Davidson, Suarez, and Canning. We keep relying on long-relievers and 6th SP types in games where we should have a couple extra prototypical bullpen arms to turn to instead. 

I like all those arms for differing reasons and they’ve tried making it work, but the roster inflexibility they’re causing and necessity to use them in weird roles is costing the team wins left and right. 

Think I heard the Angels have had a lead now in like 34 of 40 games. The bullpen really needs to get sorted out…either how they’re used or with a new arm or two in the mix.

Edited by totdprods
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11 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

At some point. Angel fans need to start holding the players accountable for their performance or lack there of.

Only losers or those with agenda's, or in Blargs case, both, would try to shift blame to anyone outside the lines.  

Becoming  apparrant that Blarg, and so called Angel fans like him, deserve as much pain as possible.  Losers.

Oh look Nevin’s kid chimed in again. Remember to cup the balls. 

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19 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

At some point. Angel fans need to start holding the players accountable for their performance or lack there of.

Only losers or those with agenda's, or in Blargs case, both, would try to shift blame to anyone outside the lines.  

Becoming  apparrant that Blarg, and so called Angel fans like him, deserve as much pain as possible.  Losers.

This is a tool ready for all our uses

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23 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

At some point. Angel fans need to start holding the players accountable for their performance or lack there of.

Only losers or those with agenda's, or in Blargs case, both, would try to shift blame to anyone outside the lines.  

Becoming  apparrant that Blarg, and so called Angel fans like him, deserve as much pain as possible.  Losers.

Putting players out of position is the managers fault.

Leaving relievers in too long is the managers fault.

Choosing the wrong reliever for a role is the managers fault.

Nevin needs to be accountable for his lack of job performance. 

Swordsman78, you are nothing but a cheerleader for your guy regardless of how blatantly bad his decision making is.

You are irrelevant. 

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36 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

At some point. Angel fans need to start holding the players accountable for their performance or lack there of.

Only losers or those with agenda's, or in Blargs case, both, would try to shift blame to anyone outside the lines.  

Becoming  apparrant that Blarg, and so called Angel fans like him, deserve as much pain as possible.  Losers.

Except that Wantz is a short pitch count reliever, not once over 30 pitches until tonight.   Nevin left him in too long.

Why didn’t Nevin have Barria warm up to start the 8th?    Then once the 10 pitch at bat by Brennan was finished (26 total pitches for Wantz), it would have been the right time to bring Barria in.

Barria hasn’t pitched since May 5.

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5 minutes ago, Vlad27Trout27 said:

Nevin 100%

probably would have left detmers ro face another guy in the 6th.

went with Wantz for too long.

Tepera is a Big no.


Detmers 5

Davidson for 2inngs 

Wantz 1 

Estravez 1

That is a good point with Davidson.  Cleveland has really struggled against LHPs.

Plus Davidson has only pitched 1 inning in the past week, and that was 3 days ago.

Those two HR pitches by Tepera were basically batting practice pitches to LHHs.

Does Nevin not have any confidence in Barria and Davidson with a 4 run lead?


Edited by Angel Oracle
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Just now, Lou said:

Haven't listened to him all year. It's either the other team's broadcaster or music. 

You must gave missed the Terence Trent D'arby discussion a few days ago.

sadly, i missed it. i imagine it would've been life-changing for a majority of those who heard it. i guess i'll just have to find the strength to carry on somehow.

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Just now, Tank said:

sadly, i missed it. i imagine it would've been life-changing for a majority of those who heard it. i guess i'll just have to find the strength to carry on somehow.

I'll be here for you...

right by the Wishing Well.

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