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Body Pain Pros


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I can't get an appointment with my doctor until March so I'm going to the next best place for answers.

My wife and I have been training for the O.C. half marathon, and last week while running I started feeling some pain in what I thought was my knees. After the run, the pain mostly went away. But the next day I went running again and felt the pain the whole time.

Now I have swelling/inflammation and tenderness just below my knee and to the inside of my legs. It's worse on the right leg but both legs have the pain centered in the same exact spot. Ibuprofen makes the pain go away temporarily. It feels the worst in the morning when I get out of bed. 

Dr. Google can't figure out if the location of the pain is consistent with shin splints or some kind of knee injury. I've run two half marathons before and have never had this issue.

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Welcome to warm up with stretching, shut it down with Ice and water. Ibuprofen after is too late, take 400 milligrams before you do your running then definitely 20 minutes of icing along with a lot of water intake to cool down from the inside. For a good topical ointment use Voltarin.

Your pain description lacks pinpointing. Behind your leg covers thigh to ankle. Now if is directly behind the knee with pain around the side of the cap on either side it could be an inflamed miniscus ligament. Only an MRI is going to verify that and you would be looking at PT or arthroscopic surgery.

Doubtful you have both knees with a torn miniscus unless you can recall a bad fall, stumbling on uneven pavement or maybe the sex swing isn't something you should be using. More than likely it is from stress activity that you weren't doing previously and it is muscle micro tears that everyone gets when they go back to the gym after a long layoff. 

Warm up slow, Ibuprofen, hydrate, ice, hydrate.


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Just now, Blarg said:

Welcome to warm up with stretching, shut it down with Ice and water. Ibuprofen after is too late, take 400 milligrams before you do your running then definitely 20 minutes of icing along with a lot of water intake to cool down from the inside. For a good topical ointment use Voltarin.

Your pain description lacks pinpointing. Behind your leg covers thigh to ankle. Now if is directly behind the knee with pain around the side of the cap on either side it could be an inflamed miniscus ligament. Only an MRI is going to verify that and you would be looking at PT or arthroscopic surgery.

Doubtful you have both knees with a torn miniscus unless you can recall a bad fall, stumbling on uneven pavement or maybe the sex swing isn't something you should be using. More than likely it is from stress activity that you weren't doing previously and it is muscle micro tears that everyone gets when they go back to the gym after a long layoff. 

Warm up slow, Ibuprofen, hydrate, ice, hydrate.


Thank you. This is the most helpful thing you've ever posted.

It's hard to explain where the pain is. It's the inside (side) of leg, an inch below and a 1/2 inch to the side of the kneecap. Same spot on both legs. Not quite on the shinbone but bordering it.

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JMO, but sounds like you strained something.  And you are subconsciously trying to adjust to it, thus causing other things to go out of wack.  I have that happen often while hiking.  I'll twist my knee or ankle, and I'll adjust my stride or feet angle to keep the pain off of it while completing my hike.  But since I'm walking different, usually I put pressure on other things like my hip or my non injured leg.  Rest is probably your best friend.  Tough when you have a specific goal.  But that's what usually works for me.

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1 hour ago, Taylor said:

Thank you. This is the most helpful thing you've ever posted.

It's hard to explain where the pain is. It's the inside (side) of leg, an inch below and a 1/2 inch to the side of the kneecap. Same spot on both legs. Not quite on the shinbone but bordering it.

Voltaren will be your friend until you see your doctor.  You can buy it at Costco as a three tube discount buy. It will knock the pain down but it won't heal anything. Again, apply it before you start your regimen, then apply some more when you start icing. Only the area of the joint and both top and underside. 

Now, let's talk some simple knee strengthening exercises to use as stretching before you run. 


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Last year my right knee ended up swelling up for a few days.  I took time off exercising and did a lot of icing with my knee elevated.  After a few days it was back to normal which was before I would have been able to see my doctor and if it didn't go down I would have gone to urgent care.  I've run a few half marathons and still run 3-4 days a week.  What GB mentioned has been my experience as one leg or knee getting a bit sore makes me overcompensate which can lead to injuring the other leg.  If you aren't already I'd recommend both you and your wife start taking glucosamine and possibly collagen.  You can also get pre/post workout mix from like GNC that you can combine with collagen.

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