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Mets poach Dom Chiti


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  • mmc changed the title to Mets poach Dom Chiti
2 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

Isn’t Dom Chiti the new Dom Perignon?

Dom Chiti sounds like the bottom of the Champagne menu option.

Me: "Wow, the 2005 Dom Perignon is $900 a bottle!"

Waiter: "Well, it is one of ze better vintages we have here, monsieur..."

"What is this 2019 Dom Chiti at $11 a bottle?"

Waiter: <spits>

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Bummer about Chiti.

It seems he had a significant role in developing our pitching strength last season. I remember reading a lot of player interviews where players mention him favorably and accredit him (and Wise) to 2022's pitching success. 

Big Brain Billy doing some poaching from his old team (funny that Chiti was the coach he really wanted, among all our other coaches)

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2 hours ago, ScruffytheJanitor said:

On a serious note: genuinely thought this guy was let go at the start of the offseason. 

He was re-assigned to a minor league role.

He was out as bullpen coach, and was gonna remain in the org, but now is out of the org.

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