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The Tony Reagins scapegoat vindication thread

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Reagins sucked, plain and simple. The Wells trade was one of the worst moves EVER in sports. The Kazmir trade blew, the Abreu extension blew, etc. 


Dipoto has an idea of what he's doing, outside of signing Blantana. At the time of each move, almost everybody loved them. Hamilton and Pujols tanking this early wasn't expected at all. 

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Don't forget the haren trade.

We might have one of the best rotations in baseball right now and for the next few years if arte could hop in the delorean and prevent reagins from being born

I didn't include the Haren trade because it still worked for us. Haren was an absolute beast for a year and a half with us, then struggled but was still a sufficient #4 guy last year. 


I get that Corbin has been awesome but Haren was a stud too. 

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Did haren ever take us to the playoffs? He never put us over the top at any point. And he only performed for two seasons and we were paying him 15 million each year.

Meanwhile, Corbin is 9-0 and the dbacks have him under club control for several seasons for dirt cheap. Skaggs will be at least a serviceable major league pitcher, as well. Reagins essentially mortgaged the future to bolster a mediocre ball club that wasn't going anywhere. And tah dah, here we are three years later and haren is gone and we still suck.

Just because a player performs well for a while, doesn't make a trade a good one. It has to be looked at in context.

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Did haren ever take us to the playoffs? He never put us over the top at any point. And he only performed for two seasons and we were paying him 15 million each year.

Meanwhile, Corbin is 9-0 and the dbacks have him under club control for several seasons for dirt cheap. Skaggs will be at least a serviceable major league pitcher, as well. Reagins essentially mortgaged the future to bolster a mediocre ball club that wasn't going anywhere. And tah dah, here we are three years later and haren is gone and we still suck.

Just because a player performs well for a while, doesn't make a trade a good one. It has to be looked at in context.


Lol @ mortgaged the future. Dipoto spent $375 million on two players that took this team to the abyss.

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Haren was a great player here, it wasn't his fault the team didn't make the playoffs. I don't get and will never get why people use this as an argument. 


I will agree that the trade was made at a time when we should have been retooling rather than dumping prospects though. It was clear that Arte wasn't ok with moving in that direction so, again, I think Arte may have forced Reagins hand and told him to make a move like this. 

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Try and tell me giving up Corbin, Skaggs, alex Torres, will smith, etc. Isn't having an affect on the team RIGHT NOW. Which, in 2010, would be the future. For a declining, expensive haren. Who isn't even pitching for the angels anymore.

We could have had those guys pitching for us instead of mark lowe and dane de la rosa.

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Try and tell me giving up Corbin, Skaggs, alex Torres, will smith, etc. Isn't having an affect on the team RIGHT NOW. Which, in 2010, would be the future. For a declining, expensive haren. Who isn't even pitching for the angels anymore.

We could have had those guys pitching for us instead of mark lowe and dane de la rosa.

Oh I 100% agree with you dude. The Haren trade was a risk because of the talent leaving and the spot the Angels were in. 

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Beltre is another good point.

Obviously, things could be different but if we got Beltre and prevented the Rangers from having Napoli AND we had no Wells, who knows what spot the Angels would've been in then and now.

That move might have single handedly changed this division around.

Imagine how good our lineup would be, too. Pujols probably wouldn't have been signed either and he would be the marlins Albert Pujols.










Im fairly certain that lineup would rake.

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I find it interesting that Dipoto's screwups...were Arte's fault...and yet there is no consideration that Arte was the driving force to "make something happen" after Crawford fell through...resulting in Wells. The Angels are in win mode now...just like they were when they started dealing youngsters at the deadline.


As far as I can tell, the Angels were a helluva lot better under Reagins, than they are under Dipoto. 

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There is no sense in rehashing the past and playing the "what if" game. This is an underperforming team with some horrible contracts and a decimated system. If Dipoto stays he needs to focus on rebuilding the farm first, because he is stuck with AP and JH for the next several years., not to mention Wilson. Any trades need to produce prospects with upside or young major league players. Let's hope he is up to the task.

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These are obviously hindsight observations and things could be completely different but Beltre's production in this lineup would be sick.

No Wells either would've been absolutely awesome.

This is why I started this thread. Napoli should still be here (not Reagins fault) Beltre should be here. (not Reagins fault) Wells should have never been here. (Reagins got blamed). Not saying that Reagins was a good GM but I'm sure Arte still had lots of input from Sosh and Stoneman back then. Reagins took the fall like a good company man.

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Might as well throw the Teixeira into the discussion. Arte had thought that he had the inside track on extending Tex, but the Yanks came in under the radar and took him. I know the draft pick got us Trout, but we would have taken him with out pick one spot earlier. He was our guy.

Imagine the chain reaction here if only Mrs Teixeira kept her mouth shut.

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I find it interesting that Dipoto's screwups...were Arte's fault...and yet there is no consideration that Arte was the driving force to "make something happen" after Crawford fell through...resulting in Wells. The Angels are in win mode now...just like they were when they started dealing youngsters at the deadline.


As far as I can tell, the Angels were a helluva lot better under Reagins, than they are under Dipoto. 


This ^^^^^^^^^^^


People don't like to eat crow.

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