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Is Salt Lake (AAA) actually good for player development?

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I remember when Tim Salmon came up he put up monster numbers in AAA at Edmonton.  I just knew this guy was special.  I now look at some of the big numbers put up in Salt Lake by the likes of Jared Walsh, Jose Rojas, and Taylor Ward.  Are these guys going to be everyday major leaguers one day?  I don't know, maybe Walsh.  But I just don't trust the numbers.

Having a boombox of a stadium for your AAA affiliate can't be good for player development, right?  It changes the batters approach at the plate, It changes how they are being pitched, and that is just your positional players.  You certainly don't want your pitching prospects getting rocked and losing confidence in this environment.

How do other teams view our AAA prospects?  If other teams come to believe that our prospects numbers are being inflated by the stadium(s) they play in, then that hurts their trade value, correct?

Thing is I don't know if just the home stadium is the problem or the entire PCL.  I'm sure some of you are more knowledgeable on this subject.  

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