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Team friendly deals?

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With Trout signing this large 12 year contract, which some are considering to be a team friendly Contract. Does this increase the chance of other players on this team signing team friendly contracts? Guys like Simmons, Ohtani, and Skagg?

Somewhere around the ranges of; 

Simmons 5 yr 70-80 million

Ohtani in a few years 6yr-100 mil

Skaggs depending on health; 3/4 year- 40-50 mil?

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Skaggs is in a bit of a wierd situation due to inconsistency and his health issue. these next 2 years are going to important for him. personally i think the contract that he'll sign will be based on incentive, I think he'll sign a 3/4 yr deal with a base salary of 30-40 mil and incentives that may push the deal to around 50-60 mil, depending on how he does these next 2 years and the market.

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22 minutes ago, Vlad27Trout27 said:

Skaggs is in a bit of a wierd situation due to inconsistency and his health issue. these next 2 years are going to important for him. personally i think the contract that he'll sign will be based on incentive, I think he'll sign a 3/4 yr deal with a base salary of 30-40 mil and incentives that may push the deal to around 50-60 mil, depending on how he dies these next 2 years and the market.

Hopefully not at all...

...but in all seriousness I agree with your thinking.  It's impossible to say what he should get because of how inconsistent and injured he has been so far.  If he continues to battle injuries and put up 4.00 ERAs, then I don't think he's worth more than 2/$14M or 3/$20M.  If he can pitch 180+ innings and pitches around 3.50 ERA then I think he is worth the numbers you listed.

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