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There's a Malaise about this team

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Just caught the dugout as the game ended. I saw guys laughing in there. This team is too blessed to be stressed.


Time to light a fire under these losers asses. Clean house. Trade a couple of players. We are the 2012 Red Sox.

If were managing, I'd be tearing the clubhouse apart right now. Locker by locker.

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Everyone's just kind of looking around at each other, waiting for the other to step up.  What's sad is I already feel I'm in season over mode, like when the Angels were eliminated from the postseason the last month of 11 or the final series in Seattle last year.  No hurry to get home to watch the game, actively avoiding the game when the pitching can't find the strike zone.  It sucks.  

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The answer is that they just aren't a good team. Playing with more fire and heart or whatever won't make them magically pitch better or win more games


they suck. It's that simple. Bad teams lose and lose a lot, and this team loses a lot.

The offense left 10 LOB today. Aybars double was 5 inches away from being a 2 run homer. Offensively we can and do have room to improve. Pitching wise, we've done better as of late..but we still suck.

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The answer is that they just aren't a good team. Playing with more fire and heart or whatever won't make them magically pitch better or win more games


they suck. It's that simple. Bad teams lose and lose a lot, and this team loses a lot.




And I honestly don't give a shit whether they're laughing in the dugout or not. This just isn't a good team, no amount of scowling is going to make one bit of difference.

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The offense left 10 LOB today. Aybars double was 5 inches away from being a 2 run homer. Offensively we can and do have room to improve. Pitching wise, we've done better as of late..but we still suck.


Because they are a bad team. BAd teams find ways to lose games and this team finds a lot of ways to lose games

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Completely embarrassing. I don't know how you can sit on your hands if you're Dipoto right now.


There's not really anything to do at this point that will be enough.


The last thing they need to do at this point is trade more prospects in ill advised attempts to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

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There's not really anything to do at this point that will be enough.


The last thing they need to do at this point is trade more prospects in ill advised attempts to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


There are plenty of things that need to be done.

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What would Happy Gilmore do if he played for the Angels?

He'd be telling the ball to find its home. Either over the fence or the strike zone, depending on the situation.


Oh, and he'd go to the plate swinging a hockey stick.

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Agreed, but they can't do it all right now. They don't have the minor league pieces to trade.


I'd look at Cliff Lee. Get them to eat some of the contract and throw some mid-level prospects along with Jimenez. I can't see it taking much for him at this point.

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There's not really anything to do at this point that will be enough.


The last thing they need to do at this point is trade more prospects in ill advised attempts to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Just the opposite: they need to trade for prospects.  Blanton, Aybar (just because he may actually get some return, vs. Blanton who may bring a bucket of balls).  Maybe Trumbo, maybe Callaspo.  Anything that can bring some prospects and/or bullpen help, and try to bring in 1 or 2 starters next year (Arroyo/Nolasco/anyone not Blanton)

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