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We missed the brothers in Boston, but we got this guy!

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I'm pretty sure you are joking, but if you want to know why some folks get so protective of gun rights, this kind of overreaction is part of the reason why.


Not to mention the kid that got arrested for wearing an NRA t-shirt to school.

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I'm pretty sure you are joking, but if you want to know why some folks get so protective of gun rights, this kind of overreaction is part of the reason why.


Not to mention the kid that got arrested for wearing an NRA t-shirt to school.




No problem with a kid wearing an NRA shirt to school. Bringing a gun, regardless of whether or not he meant to, is a problem. 

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I'm pretty sure you are joking, but if you want to know why some folks get so protective of gun rights, this kind of overreaction is part of the reason why.


Not to mention the kid that got arrested for wearing an NRA t-shirt to school.


Guilty as charged, though I do think he should be suspended.

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Bringing a gun to school is an expellable offense, regardless of how it happens.  It is also criminal.  There is no excuse for what he did other than stupidity and irresponsibility.


Good thing teens are rarely this way then.  I bet if it was a different offense you might feel differently.  I have no problem with a couple of day suspension, but he was trying to make it right.  What kind of message are you sending?  It's not the one you want to send.

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Zero tolerance.


And any time teens act stupid and irresponsible in a way that endangers those around them they are consequences.

an unloaded shotgun?  Seriously, you are too bunged up about this.  Do you see the results of this?  Kids are rallying around him.


Good job in sending a "message"

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I think he would have deserved expulsion had the administration found him with the gun on campus, or loaded in his car.  But to kick him out of school after overhearing him explain to his mother on the phone that he'd made a mistake and left an unloaded gun in his car is weak.  Cut the kid some slack. 

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an unloaded shotgun?  Seriously, you are too bunged up about this.  Do you see the results of this?  Kids are rallying around him.


Good job in sending a "message"


Because shotgun shells are so hard to get?  What stops another kid from taking it from his backpack and threatening people with it?  Or going and getting some shells?


You are bringing a gun around minors, loaded or not.

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Guess what, most guns are "around" minors because many people who have guns have kids.  It was locked up and unloaded.

Nobody got hurt, nobody got anywhere close to hurt, nobody even thought about getting hurt.


Would you feel this way if it was alcohol on campus?  That the kid should be arrested and expelled and have his future at risk for a mistake?

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There is zero tolerance for alcohol as well.  Just because it has a happy ending doesn't mean he shouldn't be expelled.  Also it is one thing when parents have guns around their minors, it is another thing when a minor has a gun around other minors.  Especially a school.

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