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Imagine a world without balloons

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I only post this stuff when posters here comment about ignorant Republicans.  They don't seem to recognize that both sides of the aisle are filled with incompetence.


There is certainly incompetence on both sides, but over the last eight months Republicans have been on a quest to outstupid one another.

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Let's not gloss over the key point of the speech. If we don't do something to protect our helium reserves then we'll become overly dependent of foreign sources and possibly create a new black market which will leave American clowns vulnerable and cause prices to spiral out of control. Won't anyone think about the children??

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For Christmas in 2011 one of the presents I got my daughter was one of those RC shark balloons.  I took it to a local party supply store to get filled and learned about how we'd be facing a helium shortage because it we only get it from certain places.  I don't remember much about the conversation other than being surprised at how little I knew about where helium comes from.  


If the terrorists control the helium, they win.  

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I only post this stuff when posters here comment about ignorant Republicans.  They don't seem to recognize that both sides of the aisle are filled with incompetence.




On the incompetence scale, legitimate rape >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a world without balloons.  Guam tipping over <<<< legitimate rape.  

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The people of Georgia's Fourth District can sleep well tonight knowing that they are capably represented in Washington. That said, this is far from the most ignorant thing I have heard from a congressperson. Two of my favorites, whenever I need a laugh:


Corrine Brown, D-FL

Linda Sanchez, D-CA (thanks to you guys for introducing me to her)


And now I can add the name of Hank Johnson, D-GA. I was unaware of the looming helium shortage before I heard the good congressman speak. It is now my #1 concern for this country.


These people are passing laws on our behalf.

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