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Player Stats after 6 Games

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* Pujols continues to look good with plate discipline this year, he is above the Mendoza line, and isn't swinging out of the zone nearly as much as he started off last year.


* Hamilton went from .050 to .160 in one game. He actually said after the game that he found a mechanical flaw in his swing during BP, he wasn't "Coiling up" like he usually does, he definitely looked more comfortable in the batters box yesterday.


* Trumbo rising: With the exception of one at bat where he looked pretty bad, Trumbo is making better contact with the bat, he had one opposite field fly out that looked well hit, also rose his batting average to .280.


* Trout looks pretty average so far, dropped to .250.


* Bourjos putting up an MVP like 1.135 OPS!...okay okay he has only had 12 at-bats.


* Williams and Richards looked good; Weaver, and Lowe...not so much, but the season is still young, although an 86 MPH fastball is worrisome from Weaver.



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These stats are worthless at the moment ... check back in 30 days or better yet the All-Star break.


That would make for an interesting dilemma at the end of the season. All of a sudden the first 30 games stats are missing, and people are like: "Why are we missing 30 games worth of stats?"


..."Oh well Troll Daddy said they are worthless so we kind of just didn't count them."

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The one main area lacking has been RISP hitting.

Then again, it sucked for a month in 2012 before finally becoming solid after that.


I hate bad starts, but at least this time they didn't crap out and lose series very early to horrible teams like the 2011 Royals or 2012 Twins.

That being said, they had better go at least 5-4/6-3 in their next 9 games, since 3 are vs. Houston. 

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It's very early, but so far Trout doesn't look like the same hitter from 2012.


Cano doesnt either...nor does Jay Bruce,...Joey Votto looks suspect as well....R.A. Dickey looks shakey..Carlos Beltran and Matt Holliday also suck...oh wait...its only April 8th

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Cano doesnt either...nor does Jay Bruce,...Joey Votto looks suspect as well....R.A. Dickey looks shakey..Carlos Beltran and Matt Holliday also suck...oh wait...its only April 8th





Excellent point, because 6 games is not a sample size - it's almost 4% of the season. 

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