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Game Times?


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If the Dodgers and Kershaw are such a huge draw like some of you are assuming, then how does it benefit MLB to have them play the late game on Friday? You're pretty much taking out the entire east coast since they are not going to watch the game at 10pm their time. Not to mention they are playing the Cardinals which would put the game at a 9pm local time for them.

It makes way more sense for the Dodgers to play somewhere around 4pm PST. This will give you the biggest audience.

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If the Angels play the A's, it's almost certain the Angels will get both late starts.

I think they will set it up as...

10am - Nationals vs Wild Card

1pm - Baltimore vs Detroit

4pm - Dodgers vs Cardinals

7pm - Angels vs Wild Card

I think this gives MLB the best return on ratings.

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If the Angels draw the A's, wouldn't Dodgers 5pm and the Angels 8pm PST make sense.  Both the A's and Angels are pacific coast teams.

A game wont start at 8pm pst.  Here is my guess as of right now (all times pst):

11:30am - Nationals vs Wild Card

3pm - Baltimore vs Detroit

5pm - Dodgers vs Cardinals

630pm - Angels vs Wild Card


If they spread the games out to not overlap my guess is this:

10am - Baltimore vs Detroit

1pm -  Angels vs Wild Card

4pm - Nationals vs Wild Card

7pm -Dodgers vs Cardinals

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I think they will overlap. I just looked at the schedule on my TiVo for Friday and the games on FS1 look like they will be at 1pm and 5 pm. Which would be the Nats and the WC winner at 1pm and Dodgers/ Cards at 5pm.

Then the schedule on TBS says 3pm, which would be Detroit and Baltimore and 6:30pm, which would be us vs. the WC winner. All pacific times of course.

So all the games would be overlapping somewhat but that's why they have them on two separate networks. Anyway, that's my best guess.

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If the Angels draw the A's, wouldn't Dodgers 5pm and the Angels 8pm PST make sense.  Both the A's and Angels are pacific coast teams.

Yes except you probably lose some west coast fans for Dodgers/Cards...that is far outweighed by getting the bulk of the country (8EST, 7CST)....If somebody is playing at 10EST and 9CST, you would think Angels/A's makes more sense....

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I'm not gonna sleep this week - I'm a musician and I have gigs Thursday and Friday night - so I will DVR the games - avoid all social media and watch them at 1 am each night after each gig - Go Angels !!!


Hopefully the people in your life will have some common courtesy.

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