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Stuff I Never Thought I'd See

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The largest shopping mall around here is the Bahrain City Centre. Three floors, tons of eating establishments of all varieties and price ranges. The one place that has a waiting list at all times of the day is......IHOP. They just can't get enough. I wonder if I could get a Waffle House franchise?

If you see something that makes you scratch your head feel free to add on here.

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You never see a Rolls Royce with a bumper sticker that says "Sh*t Happens."


There was an occasion when I stopped at a Walgreens in my neighborhood during the evening. On one side was a homeless woman sleeping on a bench. Around the corner, parked probably 20 feet from her, was a Bentley convertible. Quite ironic.


As a child of the cold war and the son of a military father, I always grew up fearing and distrusting the Russians. Fast forward to 1986, Aerospace America, an air show at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City. This air show marked the first time that Russian military aircraft were allowed in American airspace - a pair of Sukhoi SU-27s. I was able to walk up and touch a military aircraft from a country whose aircraft we generally only saw in grainy surveillance photos. Later in the same air show I went aboard an Antonov AN-225, the world's biggest aircraft, and got a chance to talk to the captain. This would have been unthinkable during my youth.

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