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2012 Part Deux? Or Worse


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At least by the 5th game of the season last year, the Angels went into that game with a .500 record.


This year, the Angels have gone from first to worst in 2 games, and today didn't help that stat.


Will the Angels management and front office be as patient this season as they were last?

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Angels are fine. They have lost three tough games. Hamilton has played in multiple day games which he admits play with his mind.....pitching has been fine,...Pujols doesn't look right and I know from personal experience that plantar is not fun. Looks like Trout might be pressing a little and face it, he is probably putting TONS of pressure on himself to repeat last years run. Angels will be fine.

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AZMike...what else do you see with that crystal ball of yours???


Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States (that was my story in '07 and I'm sticking with it)


Scioscia will remain un-fired despite all the outcry on the forums.

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Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States (that was my story in '07 and I'm sticking with it)


Scioscia will remain un-fired despite all the outcry on the forums.


Forums are useless chatter ... clearly the problem has been the front of the lineup. We just have to show patience because nothing is going to change that much in April. We can't blame the conductor if the musicians are all out of tune.

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Angels are fine. They have lost three tough games. Hamilton has played in multiple day games which he admits play with his mind.....


Holy crap.  We're paying over $20 million for a guy that gets freaked out playing multiple day games?  Man, I need to use this excuse at work.

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Forums are useless chatter ... clearly the problem has been the front of the lineup. We just have to show patience because nothing is going to change that much in April. We can't blame the conductor if the musicians are all out of tune.

front (top?) of the line-up or middle of the line-up?

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The Angels have a tough schedule in April, the toughest in the majors.


Playing the Reds in Ohio is probably the Angels' worst nightmare. Great pitching and a HR-hitting offense- with our starters heavy fly-ball tendencies and a bandbox stadium. We probably could've won all 3 games if:  1) there were fewer miscues in the field and on the bases, 2) there were fewer K's,  3) the MotO hit at least .250.


I don't think its that bad, yet. We won't have a great record by the end of the month. But, if we can stay above .500 by the time May rolls around we should be in good shape.


We do need to start winning games, though.

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This year has potential to be worse than last year.


sad story.


Well ya, every season has that potential. It also has the potential to be much better.


I get being frustrated by how the offense has performed in these first 4 games. But seriously, 4 games.

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Well ya, every season has that potential. It also has the potential to be much better.


I get being frustrated by how the offense has performed in these first 4 games. But seriously, 4 games.

this reminds me of last year


"only 6 games in", "it's only april" etc.


remember by how many games we missed the post season last year ? by 5 games.


pujols+hamilton scare the shit out of me

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