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80-53. How many more wins do we need to clinch?


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Angels are on track to win 97 games. In order to do that, they have to go 17-12 which doesn't seem that bad and they should be able to do that.


Agreed. They need to dominate the the first half of their schedule in September. Last 13 games heavily favor the A's as they'll get 10 of those games against the Rangers and Phillies, whereas the Halos will have to face the A's and Mariners in 10 of their final 13 games


Angels open up September with 13 games against the Astros/Twins/Rangers/Indians(1 game). Would be great if they can go 9-4 or 10-3 during that stretch, then hopfully go 7-6 or 8-5 the last 13 games

Edited by bloodbrother
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The wild card team plays the best record team even if that means you are playing a team in the same division.  The rule was changed.  Baltimore could sneak in with the best record but I think that the winner of the west will be the team with the best record. 

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The wild card team plays the best record team even if that means you are playing a team in the same division.  The rule was changed.  Baltimore could sneak in with the best record but I think that the winner of the west will be the team with the best record. 


Exactly. If things hold as they are, and the angels win the divison, we'll be facing the winner of oakland and seattle (though detroit is now tied for 2nd WC). 


The path is pretty clear - play Oakland/Seattle in the first round, then play the winner of the Central and Baltimore.


For some reason I get the impression we beat Oakland in 5 in the ALDS, and then beat Baltimore in 6 in the ALCS...

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I think they still have the rule where the WC doesn't play the division winner in their same division in the first round.  If that's still the case, we're probably facing the AL Central Winner with A's/M's facing Balt.

They do not have this rule anymore. Top seed plays winner of the wild card game no matter what. The reasoning now is that since the wild card team has to use one of their starters in the wild card game that is an advantage to the top seed. 

I'd rather face Baltimore with all their starters than Oakland sans Lester but we don't have that option, unfortunately.

Edited by ScottLux
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