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Boston Marathon hoopla

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Call me a cynic, but I'm so over this.  Has anything gotten more press than this?

William and Kate and the little tyke over in Australia is pretty close.

I just don't get all the fuss about the royals. A bunch of rich people who don't do much of anything, but their very move is news.

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Call me a cynic, but I'm so over this.  Has anything gotten more press than this?

Cynic.  lol


I understand what you're saying, but I disagree.  This has been determined to have been a terrorist bombing on US soil; it's pretty rare.  That's why the media is pushing the story so hard.  Beside that, it was a big story that lasted several days.  The response (by victims, witnesses, good samaritans, and first-responders) was heroic, and the recovery (City, citizens, victims, America, and even the Red Sox riding the wave of Boston Strength) was remarkable.

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Many media outlets have become big time peddlers in Tragedy Anniversary Porn.  One year since the Boston Marathon bombing (that gets triple points, because ESPN can integrate the Sawx into it).


Last week was 7th anniversary of Va Tech shooting.  15th anniversary of Columbine this week.  ESPN had a segment this morning on the 10th anniversary of Pat Tillman death.  Lets not even get started about 9-11.



You aren't off on this, Bruce, you are spot on.  Jesus, we're going to soon run out of tragedy anniversary days, there are only 365 of them.

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Many media outlets have become big time peddlers in Tragedy Anniversary Porn.  One year since the Boston Marathon bombing (that gets triple points, because ESPN can integrate the Sawx into it).


Last week was 7th anniversary of Va Tech shooting.  15th anniversary of Columbine this week.  ESPN had a segment this morning on the 10th anniversary of Pat Tillman death.  Lets not even get started about 9-11.



You aren't off on this, Bruce, you are spot on.  Jesus, we're going to soon run out of tragedy anniversary days, there are only 365 of them.

Quite a patriot, aren't you?...  Glad you haven't lost friends, family, or co-workers in one of these "over-blown, media-porn" events.  How bout this; change the channel.  Or, better yet, turn it off and go outside.  OR, start your own channel with no "Tragedy-porn" ever.  

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Quite a patriot, aren't you?...  Glad you haven't lost friends, family, or co-workers in one of these "over-blown, media-porn" events.  How bout this; change the channel.  Or, better yet, turn it off and go outside.  OR, start your own channel with no "Tragedy-porn" ever.  


So why "celebrate" tragedy anniversaries in the first place? 


I think it makes the grieving process worse for the people who lost loved ones.  Who wants to be reminded that their dad or husband has been dead for 10 years?   Life is short, we can't keep dwelling on people and things we've lost.   

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So why "celebrate" tragedy anniversaries in the first place?

I think it makes the grieving process worse for the people who lost loved ones. Who wants to be reminded that their dad or husband has been dead for 10 years? Life is short, we can't keep dwelling on people and things we've lost.

**** that. Why do you even live here? Do you hate America?


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Its part of the "everybody gets a trophy" mentality.  Many people just feel they need to be a part of a group.  And dammit, they are going to let you know.  Pink Ribbons.  Remember 9-11.  Yellow Ribbons. Daughters of the Revolution.  My kid made the Honor Roll at George Washington Carver Elementary School. Boston Strong. Patches on jerseys to commemorate God-knows-what.  Wearing buttons with your kid's face on them at Little League.  13.1. Andrea Doria Survivor [/seinfeld].

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Katrina Survivors.  Cancer Survivors. Oklahoma City Bombing Remembrance. Anniversary of JFK shooting.  Anniversary of RFK shooting.  Anniversary of MLK shooting.  RIP Nana, 1938-2011 on the rear window of the minivan.  Lighting a candle to commemorate the anniversary of Newtown shooting.  Vigils for the second anniversary of Trayvon Martin shooting.  6th anniversary of NIU shooting marked with bell ringing.


This nation is addicted to tragedy pron.

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I actually saw a pretty decent Dateline the other night.  It was one of the kids from Columbine who is still struggling all these years later.  He traveled to other scenes of school shootings and met survivors from them.


I think for the people who went through those things, the reality is it never is really over.  I think for the rest of us, we want to understand why these things happen, but instead of true introspection we just blame liberals, or conservatives, or poverty and whatever else we already disagreed with in the first place.  So we end up just "remembering" these tragedies instead of ever really learning from them.

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I actually saw a pretty decent Dateline the other night.  It was one of the kids from Columbine who is still struggling all these years later.  He traveled to other scenes of school shootings and met survivors from them.


I think for the people who went through those things, the reality is it never is really over.  I think for the rest of us, we want to understand why these things happen, but instead of true introspection we just blame liberals, or conservatives, or poverty and whatever else we already disagreed with in the first place.  So we end up just "remembering" these tragedies instead of ever really learning from them.

Yep.  Some of the survivors, and families of victims struggle with these incidents for the rest of their lives, and they appreciate an outpouring of support.  Some of us try to honor them, some of us try to learn from the failures to prepare for the next event, some ink-faces just troll

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