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Matt Oye yesterday

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I thought it was a bandaid/tape.  But more than likely, they didn't like it because it blended in with the ball.  While I probably couldn't tell the difference, a pro ballplayer can probably see a grip of the ball and figure out what the pitch is going to be.  

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I thought about that too, but it still doesn't make sense to me because it seems like you'd need some kind of x-ray vision to be able to pick up fingernail location on a baseball during a pitcher's delivery.


tony gwynn could i.d. the pitchers grip on the ball before his release, many others can as well. the most interesting that i ever heard was edgar martinez, the great seattle dh, would practice in the cage with a tennis machine that would fire tennis balls at 150 mph. he had the balls marked with color dots and numbers and he would focus on identifying the color and the number as the ball came in. 


obviously, he felt the exercise helped his ability to see the seams and the rotation of the baseball.



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Matt's got a problem with a split nail.  It splits horizontally instead of vertically, but in the middle of the nail itself.  It's pretty painful, from what I hear.  The trainer "fixed" it with athletic tape and krazy glue, but it was WHITE.. REALLY WHITE.. which is where they had the problem.  They colored it in with a black sharpie, and today, SUPPOSEDLY, Matt was going to get it fixed professionally, so there would be no other problems. 

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