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Mob City

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I know there a some L.A. Noir fans like me on here so I thought I'd mention this show. It's produced by Frank Darabont (The Walking Dead) and seems to me like a mix between L.A. Confidential and Boardwalk Empire. I'm really looking forward to it on Dec. 4th.


Warning: kind of graphic




...and this one's a little racy and violent. (the perfect combo)


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"LA Confidential" is one of my favorites; right up there with "Chinatown."  I'm looking forward to this show as well.


I like the idea that Darabont is getting his "revenge" against "Walking Dead" by turning Jon Bernthal ("Shane"- also starred in "The Pacific" mini-series) into the leading-man hero for this show.  I don't think 'revenge' is accurate tho, as there doesn't seem to be much of a feud.  Just different directions, I guess.


Yep, that is Simon Pegg.  He's got a minor supporting role apparently, as a comic in Mickey Cohens' club.  Neil McDonough and Ed Burns are also in it.


It's another take on LA's war against Mickey Cohen and the mob trying to take-over.  You should have seen "Gangster Squad" by now; it's a pretty good  overview of the battles.  I always felt it should be a mini-series; hope they do it justice. 

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On a side note, if you guys want to see awesome pictures of L.A. and learn about it's history you should check out this thread.




It would take months, maybe even years to get through it but I've learned a ridiculous amount about Southern California from it.

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On a side note, if you guys want to see awesome pictures of L.A. and learn about it's history you should check out this thread.




It would take months, maybe even years to get through it but I've learned a ridiculous amount about Southern California from it.

Bookmarked! Thanks

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I looked this up a bit more and want to go to some of the LA shows.

Speaking of LA Noire, that game is fantastic. The questioning can be tedious, but the story lines and plot are amazingly good and the game has the best soundtrack I've ever experienced on console gaming. They really capture the vibe and feel of the era. I think the game was successful, so hopefully they do another.

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On a side note, if you guys want to see awesome pictures of L.A. and learn about it's history you should check out this thread.




It would take months, maybe even years to get through it but I've learned a ridiculous amount about Southern California from it.



Awesome...I will definitely be perusing that. I've wanted to do some projects around photographing old Los Angeles and this is going to be a big help.

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I liked it. Not going to blow any doors off, but well done as a TV show for a pilot, so to speak.

I'll also claim bias as this whole era, music, and vibe are right up my alley. I'd probably like any modern noir.

Looking forward to this continuing. It's not Breaking Bad proportions, but Sons of Anarchy or Magic City watchable and enjoying for a bit.

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I have a ton of books on this era laying around due to my thesis work on Religion, Mob and White Supremacy in the formation of Los Angeles. I am deep into this subject which I know is affecting my ability to watch this without extreme nitpicking at every turn. 

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