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Bizarre injury of the week


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LOL... Kendrys anybody?...  Playing sports and living an active lifestyle will inevitably lead to some strange injuries...

Two weeks ago, I "sprained" my foot while running the bases during our Sunday baseball league game.  I went halfway to 2nd on a pop-up into Right-center field.  The outfielder dropped the ball, and I started for 2nd base.  It felt like I had popped all the knuckles in the balls of my left foot.  It's the strangest injury I've ever had; nobody had a name for it.

Forced me to DH yesterday...

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Here's a list of some strange baseball injuries.



Haha, those are good!




Here are some more:




Braves pitcher John Smoltz burned his chest trying to steam iron a shirt HE WAS WEARING AT THE TIME.  <<UPDATE: Smoltz has repeatedly and vehemently denied this, meaning it is almost certainly true...>>

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