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Brooks Dominguez

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I guess Dipoto doesn't know pitching.

WTF is he even a GM then?


So Arte has someone to blame when his signings go bad.  Jerry was brought here to create Diplan.  Diplan has a nice cover, and some pretty pictures, but someone tore out the meaty center pages, just like a phonebook you used to see in a phone booth, located in the back of a K-Mart.

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Anyone listen to the game on the radio the other day? They were asking Steve Sparks (former Angel & now Houston coach) why Chris Carter was so amazing against the Angels, yet so terrible against everyone else.

The answer was quite revealing.


The Angels are using a different strategy to try and get Carter out, a strategy different from every other team who's faced him. For some reason literally every other team but the Angels has discovered how to get him out. Really raises a lot of flags about our advanced scouting - flags that are already raised by our inability to hit crappy lefties, or our inability to hit pitchers with limited big league exposure...

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