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Dodger title = good thing for us

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I know, this is much easier said by someone who doesn't live amongst Dodger fans, but....the Dodgers winning the pennant this year would to a long way towards Arte making the decisions that have to be made to make the Angels competitors again, such as locking up Trout long term, putting together a contending pitching staff, and deciding which of Scioscia/Dipoto he wants to keep, because both together obviously isn't working.

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I live here in Kentucky. My Wildcats started winning huge when John Calipari came to town. Guess what? Louisville and Indiana suddenly stepped up their game out of necessity and now they are two of the top six or seven programs in the country right now. A rising tide lifts all boats.


Arte is a smart man or he wouldn't be where he is in life. He knows he has messed up a good thing with Pujols and Hamilton and firing many of the scouts. First and foremost he's going to pick one between Scioscia and Dipoto and try to find a GM/Coach combo that can work together. Secondly he's going to do what it takes to put a pitching staff together that can make the playoffs. The Angels have scored more runs than many of the teams that are going to the playoffs this year. He is aware of his reputation based on the Albert Pujols and Hackilton signings. He's not going down that road again. Instead, he's going to secure the one thing that his fanbase can cling to right now....Trout.   

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And Arte's realization that the Doyers are threatening his brand will get us out.

Unless Arte cleans house and hires a GM/ President who has a sense of direction and then stays out of all of their hirings from then on this team is in a whole giant mess of 5 years of boring

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I'm sorry but how do you know all this will happen? And why wouldn't it happen if the Dodgers don't win?


Judging from past history, Moreno likes to grab headlines. At a time when the Dodgers have become the talk of baseball while the Angels have become a sad punchline, my fear is that another "big splash" (read: long term big-money contract to a player 30+ years of age) is in our future. I don't believe that the Dodgers necessarily have to do anything in the postseason in order for this to happen.

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Judging from past history, Moreno likes to grab headlines. At a time when the Dodgers have become the talk of baseball while the Angels have become a sad punchline, my fear is that another "big splash" (read: long term big-money contract to a player 30+ years of age) is in our future. I don't believe that the Dodgers necessarily have to do anything in the post season in order for this to happen.

Gosh if that happens. I won't even buy a ticket to a game next year.

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Judging from past history, Moreno likes to grab headlines. At a time when the Dodgers have become the talk of baseball while the Angels have become a sad punchline, my fear is that another "big splash" (read: long term big-money contract to a player 30+ years of age) is in our future. I don't believe that the Dodgers necessarily have to do anything in the postseason in order for this to happen.


Or maybe a few heads will roll while Arte sets a firm team budget and takes a back seat while he concentrates on the stadium renovation plans and a new lease with Anaheim. 

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I don't think Arte is a bad guy, or necessarily a bad owner. I think his heart was in the right place in signing Scioscia to a long term deal, and he wanted the Angels to compete with the Yankees in signing Pujols (who helped the Angels in turn get the big TV deal). I think he's a smart man who learns from his mistakes (Who saw Hamilton flopping for an entire season? No one) and he will do what it takes. To answer your question about what the Dodgers have to do with any of this....they are in the same market. No way a proud guy like Arte just resigns himself to eight more years of Albert Pujols suckage. He's going to get us out of this mess.


This is my only hope....so if you don't agree, :op

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Being shamed into 4th place in the AL West should motivate Arte to improve the Angels, NOT the Dodgers winning the World Series. This thread doesn't make any sense.


And if Arte cares that much about the Dodgers maybe he should have bought them instead of the Angels.

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I live here in Kentucky. My Wildcats started winning huge when John Calipari came to town. Guess what? Louisville and Indiana suddenly stepped up their game out of necessity and now they are two of the top six or seven programs in the country right now. A rising tide lifts all boats.


Perhaps in the college ranks, where they have no personnel costs other than coaches. There are no free agents to overspend on, no over-the-hill players who can be brought in and no teams who have to pass on certain players due to payroll restrictions. You don't have to worry about ponying up money for your own star who will be due for a big payday when his contract runs out, or be forced to trade him just to make sure you get something back when he leaves. If you make a mistake on a player you bring in, you can cut him with no consequences. You aren't stuck with him for the duration of a long-term contract. There are college programs that have larger budgets than others and can spend more on coaches and facilities, but you don't see the extreme disparity that you do in the pros. It's a completely different dynamic.

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He cares about the Dodgers because he wants to rule the LA market. First thing he did was change the name to L.A. Then he put ads all over town calling the Angels the A Team. Then he went after Pujols. Then he lost Greinke to the Dodgers so he got Hamilton. A Dodgers title would be the kick in the ass needed for us, IMHO. Or better yet the Dodgers make the Series but lose. Either way, Arte's going to do something to keep up with the Joneses. He isn't going to just sit back and hope this trainwreck straightens itself out.

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I don't mind if the Doyers win the title. 


I'm actually enjoying watching them play.  It's nice to have some historical baseball being played in your own backyard (West LA Angel fan :/). 


Should have equally great play across town with the Clippers next year.


Hopefully soon the Angels will join the big boys again.


Until then,



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He cares about the Dodgers because he wants to rule the LA market. First thing he did was change the name to L.A. Then he put ads all over town calling the Angels the A Team. Then he went after Pujols. Then he lost Greinke to the Dodgers so he got Hamilton. A Dodgers title would be the kick in the ass needed for us, IMHO. Or better yet the Dodgers make the Series but lose. Either way, Arte's going to do something to keep up with the Joneses. He isn't going to just sit back and hope this trainwreck straightens itself out.

Ok but watching the Dodgers get all the attention, go on a 42-9 run to leave the Angels in the dust, and make the playoffs by winning the division should be enough for him to get a kick in the ass. No need to watch the Dodgers win the WS or even make it there.

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