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3.47 ERA

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Chatwood for a crappy defensive catcher, who only does ONE thing well: take walks.

Chatwood = 21 year-old when here who showed good poise for such a young pitcher.



Let's review the young pitchers who were traded from here since late in 2009 season, who are pitching well elsewhere.   Torres, Corbin, and Chatwood.   And Skaggs is probably not far away from coming into his own for Arizona.


Both J. Pierpont Reagins and Dipoto suck!

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Chatwood was terrible when we traded him. He had a 1:1 BB/K ratio and was stranding runners at an unsustainable rate. Like Segura and Corbin, none of his stats while in this organization pointed to him being as good as he is now. Of course, that could just be an indictment of our player development. Either way, Chatwood likely wasn't going to be any good with the Angels. 

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All of those mentioned pitchers were just in their early 20s when traded though. 

That is a bit young to be giving up.    Not all pitchers develop a solid Ks/BBs ratio at age 21.   Heck not many of them do so until mid 20s.


I do hope though, that indeed the player development staff has been cleaned up; just as I hope the scouting has finally been cleaned up.

Maybe Dipoto needs to stick to running a farm system.  

He's much better at that, than at being a GM.

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Chatwood was terrible when we traded him. He had a 1:1 BB/K ratio and was stranding runners at an unsustainable rate. Like Segura and Corbin, none of his stats while in this organization pointed to him being as good as he is now. Of course, that could just be an indictment of our player development. Either way, Chatwood likely wasn't going to be any good with the Angels. 


Chatwood was wasn't terrible.  He was just learning as he came into the league too soon.  The Angels never really gave him a chance.  However, most here were convinced the Trade was a good one.

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haha - even though i am on this board most days, I had no idea about this trade.


God, Dipoto sucks.

Chatwood had a 4.75 ERA in 2011 with a 1.67 WHIP. In 2012 his ERA ballooned to 5.43 and a 1.65 WHIP. THis season his ERA and WHIP are out of balance in that his WHIP of 1.39 should be tagged with an ERA around 4 or more. His one saving grace is his K per 9 innings increased to 6.3 which is far from dominant but he cut down the home runs.


Maybe he is figuring out how to pitch, he is only 23. At the time though it was a trade to end the Mathis era of catchers that hit under .200. Everyone seemed pretty happy about it until they realized that there are few great catchers out there and Ianetta is not one of them.

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