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Cubs to hire Counsell


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22 minutes ago, jsnpritchett said:

Seems crazy to pay a manager $8M.  Seemed like the Cubs were already moving in the right direction, so not sure something like this was necessary, but, hey, what do I know?

If a win essentially costs about 8 million, I'd be easily convinced Counsell can add 2 wins to most MLB teams. 

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1 minute ago, Erstad Grit said:

If a win essentially costs about 8 million, I'd be easily convinced Counsell can add 2 wins to most MLB teams. 

Honestly, I think that whole "1 WAR is worth $8M" bit is a bunch of garbage--and I definitely don't think you can make that leap to managers.  What exactly does Counsell do that makes you think he'll be a better manager than what they already had? 

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11 minutes ago, jsnpritchett said:

Honestly, I think that whole "1 WAR is worth $8M" bit is a bunch of garbage--and I definitely don't think you can make that leap to managers.  What exactly does Counsell do that makes you think he'll be a better manager than what they already had? 

Without getting too analytical about it obviously the Cubs are serious about winning and are putting their money where their mouth is.

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21 minutes ago, jsnpritchett said:

Honestly, I think that whole "1 WAR is worth $8M" bit is a bunch of garbage--and I definitely don't think you can make that leap to managers.  What exactly does Counsell do that makes you think he'll be a better manager than what they already had? 

I know I watched Nevin make decisions which cost us wins. You really don't think if we had the exact same team last year, but with Counsell, we would not have had a few more wins? 

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8 minutes ago, Erstad Grit said:

I know I watched Nevin make decisions which cost us wins. You really don't think if we had the exact same team last year, but with Counsell, we would not have had a few more wins? 

We might have had a winning record with Counsell. Yes I'm serious. 

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35 minutes ago, Erstad Grit said:

I know I watched Nevin make decisions which cost us wins. You really don't think if we had the exact same team last year, but with Counsell, we would not have had a few more wins? 


Arte isn't paying anyone $8 mil to finish 2 less games back from the Rangers.

Arte probably isn't going to pay a premium for anyone, which may be why the halos are still orphans.

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14 minutes ago, Stradling said:

Arte paid three managers in 2022.  He’s gone cheap on one manager, Nevin. He gave out the longest and largest contract in history for a manager. 

Maddon and Nevin for sure but If Ausmus singed a 3 year deal in the 18/19 offseason, wouldn't he have been off the books after 2021?


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23 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:


Arte isn't paying anyone $8 mil to finish 2 less games back from the Rangers.

Arte probably isn't going to pay a premium for anyone, which may be why the halos are still orphans.

You're changing the topic and avoiding the question on whether Counsell would add wins to a team. 

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16 hours ago, Swordsman78 said:

I doubt it and so did Arte.

It sounds like you're saying that a great manager won't really impact a team, in terms of wins, compared to an average manager.

The discussion can't be if counsell is a great manager or what should a great manager get paid. You're saying it doesn't matter.

I disagree with that. I'm not sure the number, but I'm guessing a great manager adds at minimal 2 to 3 wins, and that's assuming Nevin was an average manager and not sub par. 

Many would agree with you so I'm not saying you're wrong. 

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2 hours ago, Slegnaac said:

Would Counsell intentionally walk a batter with the bases loaded?

This is a question that should be part of every managerial interview. 

You know, despite Maddon’s claims that it fired up the guys, I wonder if that move got him canned.

That might’ve been the moment where he lost the clubhouse. Idc what anyone says, you’ve lost the clubhouse if you lose 12 in a row.

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2 hours ago, Erstad Grit said:

It sounds like you're saying that a great manager won't really impact a team, in terms of wins, compared to an average manager.

The discussion can't be if counsell is a great manager or what should a great manager get paid. You're saying it doesn't matter.

I disagree with that. I'm not sure the number, but I'm guessing a great manager adds at minimal 2 to 3 wins, and that's assuming Nevin was an average manager and not sub par. 

Many would agree with you so I'm not saying you're wrong. 

I’ve read somewhere in some article trying to break down the impact of a manager and it said that the difference between the best and worst managers would be about 5 wins in a season.  

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