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ICE may deport crime victims.

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14 minutes ago, Make Angels Great Again said:

Why is it stupid? All they said is they wouldn't rule it out. 


As an example, if an illegal immigrant is a victim of assault by another illegal immigrant and he reports it, and they both have a previous criminal record they both get deported.

It is stupid because if you want to deter crime, the least effective way would be to have it not be reported.  

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You can't handcuff law enforcement with rules that prevent them from actually doing their job. It may be collateral but if you are saying we need to hold immigration laws accountable then some will suffer from being caught in the process. 

There are a lot of human story angles that are presented and it impacts people but how do you separate one illegal action from another? Being a criminal caught in an act of violence against them only insures that the person should see a judgement against their assailant but it doesn't excuse them of their actions.

Harsh realities for that portion of the population but it is the decision they made that leads to their predicament. 

1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

It is stupid because if you want to deter crime, the least effective way would be to have it not be reported.  


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I guess it depends on what you want to see from an immigration standpoint.  I would think that trying to ship out all the illegals would create too large a void in our economy at this point.  I also believe that it is not necessary.

If you are going to go the fairness direction, why should crime victims be singled out for deportation while others are not?

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44 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

I guess it depends on what you want to see from an immigration standpoint.  I would think that trying to ship out all the illegals would create too large a void in our economy at this point.  I also believe that it is not necessary.

If you are going to go the fairness direction, why should crime victims be singled out for deportation while others are not?

Because the others weren't putting themselves into the system?

Again, this is a clusterfuck because for 30 plus years it went unchecked and now, as you said, it would cause all sorts of problems, especially in southern California.

In fact there has been an impact already where 275 teachers in the Santa Ana school district received RIF notices in anticipation of declining enrollment due to the exodus of families who are here without citizenship. Anaheim has followed suit.

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20 minutes ago, red321 said:

If they are hanging around the courthouses they are actively looking for people, not just having them fall in their lap

It becomes public record when it goes to court which would include residency status. It falls within the scope of their duty to use information at their disposal.

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These are the type of choices that need to be made to start to fix some of the problems facing the country which stem from the inability of our leaders to actually lead, enforce the laws and act in the best interest of both the short and long term.  Illegal immigration is a problem and you either fight it as best you can or you do it half assed or not at all like they have for the last ~30 years which got us to a point where there's an estimated 12M+ illegal immigrants in the country.  If the country can't make these "tough" choices we won't have enough safe spaces when we're past the point of kicking the social security and medicare can down the road.  

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35 minutes ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

If the country can't make these "tough" choices we won't have enough safe spaces when we're past the point of kicking the social security and medicare can down the road.  

The irony being that countries with these social programs, being the government sponsored pyramid schemes that they are by nature (for better or worse), need the continuous influx of younger people to sustain these programs when the population growth is in the lower single digits.

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2 hours ago, mtangelsfan said:

Here is the problem, since they can get turned in they won't report the crime.  So in the end they are still here and a criminal is still on the street.

Lose, lose.

A situation I wouldn't wish on anyone but one that's completely avoidable by not putting yourself into the first place.  

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2 hours ago, mtangelsfan said:

Here is the problem, since they can get turned in they won't report the crime.  So in the end they are still here and a criminal is still on the street.

Lose, lose.

Why do you think gangs develop? This is a cycle of problems dealing with illegal immagration after the fact.

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18 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

Yeah, obviously but that doesn't change the fact that this particular policy simply will not work and will be harmful.

The problem with this line of thinking is no hard stance has been taken like it should have and that's how we've gotten to where we are today.  Cities and states are strapped for cash and in some cases can't afford to pay for essential services.  That's not all on any one group and it's mismanagement as much as anything but states hit hardest by illegal immigration see a disproportionate amount of their budget go towards the expenses associated with illegal immigrants and their children.  If I break the law I expect their to be consequences and that should apply to everyone.   

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