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Where would we be without Frieri?

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He's certainly not perfect, and man would I love to have a real closer and have him take the 8th inning as a set up man in each game, but dude came on last year and immediately took the closer role with finesse.  We'd be in the shitter without him.  At this point, after last season and this month with him as closer, do we just go all in and convert him to a closer?  I can't help but think we're pussy footin' around with him, expecting him to just tide us over until Madsen is ready, when what we should really be doing is grooming him as a closer ala K-Rod...nail biting, edge-of-your seat 9th inning performances and all.


What would you do?  Groom him as a legitimate closer now since Madsen ain't gonna be ready any time soon, or sit pat and hope Frieri will eventually become a middle/late relief guy once we get a closer?

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He needs another swing and miss pitch before he'll be a dominant late innings reliever in this league going forward.

And that probably won't happen unless the team makes converting him into a closer a real priority.  I'd say that your statement is true even if he stays a middle relief or setup guy?

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Actually, Frankie was looking for a Large Pay Day after breaking the saves record. And the Organization didn't feel a closer for 10M+ per year was a good place to lay down the salary.


Have we had issues since? Yes, I figure that on the state of the minor league system. Though we have shelled out some good money for some solid setup guys previously. Some that didn't work like Rodney who they thrust into the Closer spot though in reality he didn't have the best season in Detroit the year prior.


So, in closing I like Frieri though I would rather use him as the setup guy. Hopefully it works when/if Madson returns. The pen should hopefully end up nice with Downs, Burnett, Frieri and Madson to finish games.

Downs is gone after this season, I believe.  Madson is MIA.  All we have is Frieri, literally, as a reliable reliever...maybe you could include Williams, too.

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Yes we do, on your part. I never said Krod wasn't effective in his time here. Go back and read again.

Oh my.  You asked if I was saying K-Rod's outings weren't an adventure and I answered you.  Who ever said they weren't?  Discussing baseball with you is like two ships passing in the night; no clash at all.

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