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Massive explosion in China kills 44 people

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yeah, that second shockwave it scary.


i really was wondering what it would be like compared to a nuke because i thought the same thing, and I really have no clue about any of that stuff.


I have some time on my hands, so I looked it up.


As somebody else said, the Tianjin explosion registered as the equivalent of detonating about 20 metric tons of TNT, and we all saw what that did.  The nuke we dropped on Nagasaki was relatively small compared to other nukes developed in history, and it was still the equivalent of 20 thousand tons of TNT.


For even more fun, the sun generates the energy equivalent of 100,000,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT per second.

Whoa. Kind of puts a nuke into perspective.

Thanks for the research Cez.

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