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Interesting little snippet on 538


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Two thoughts spring immediately to mind:

1)  Without Trout, we're a "perfectly balanced" team I think.  Trout's 7-ish WAR singlehandedly shoves us significantly into the "position players are better" side of the graph.

2)  Without Trout, we'd be comparable to the Cleveland Indians.  


A further one occurs:  "So much for our much vaunted starting rotation" 



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A further one occurs:  "So much for our much vaunted starting rotation" 


Thats partially because the WAR formula for pitchers ignores actual production choosing instead to go with theoretical performance, FIP.  So a pitcher that posts a 2.50 ERA has his real peformance/production ignored in favor of what he would have theoretically.


In otherwords, Hector Santiago wasn't good this season, he was merely lucky and as such his real performance doesn't count.

Edited by Inside Pitch
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There are two things I take away from this:


  1. According to this chart, it pays to be extremely unbalanced. The Cardinals and Giants have appeared in each of the last 5 world series, St Louis is biased in pitching, Giants are biased in position players. 
  2. The Phillies are awful
Edited by ScottLux
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There are two things I take away from this:

  • According to this chart, it pays to be extremely unbalanced. The Cardinals and Giants have appeared in each of the last 5 world series, St Louis is biased in pitching, Giants are biased in position players.
  • The Phillies are awful
and theres an overabundance of bird logos in mlb
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Thats partially because the WAR formula for pitchers ignores actual production choosing instead to go with theoretical performance, FIP. So a pitcher that posts a 2.50 ERA has his real peformance/production ignored in favor of what he would have theoretically.

In otherwords, Hector Santiago wasn't good this season, he was merely lucky and as such his real performance doesn't count.

FIP is bovine excrement. According to FIP, all batted balls in play are considered equal. A pitcher like Jered Weaver who is good at inducing pop ups is counted the same as a pitcher like Joe Blanton who allows line drive rockets to the warning track.

FIP would have you believe that the pitcher is not responsible for the difference in outcome in those situations. Basically it argues all batted balls in play are equally likely to end up as outs and that said put outs are strictly fielder dependent.

Edited by ScottLux
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