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Waive Trout (no, not really...)


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I mean it makes sense right.. if we are going to blast hamilton and everyone else that played poorly over the entirety of a 2 game span... lets ****ing waive him too... right?  i mean that make sense with all the other bullshit being posted last night and today,.. right?

Once again amazed and and partially embarrased to be part of our fan base.. its pathetic at times, really

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Hmmm....  ya you really appear to be superior.  



But those of us that have read your posts for years now laugh at that thought.  

and you think i care?  really?  cause i think some of you are as worthless as the toilet paper you wipe your ass with, im sure that wont bother you anymore than your view of me affects my view on life so...

perhaps you should learn to deal with differing views without getting intimidated

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so every fan of the team is wanting to blow up the team and waive half its player and coaches... really?  because of a 2 game sample?  you can believe that if you like, i call BS

i get being angry and frustrated but come on, overreaction is overreaction.


You act as if these two games are games 132 and 133 of the season.  It's the playoffs right now.  You have to perform during this two game sample.  Guys make entire careers based on performing only during small sample sizes in the playoffs. 

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so every fan of the team is wanting to blow up the team and waive half its player and coaches... really?  because of a 2 game sample?  you can believe that if you like, i call BS

i get being angry and frustrated but come on, overreaction is overreaction.

half the players and coaches, you're the one exaggerating here.

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so every fan of the team is wanting to blow up the team and waive half its player and coaches... really?  because of a 2 game sample?  you can believe that if you like, i call BS

i get being angry and frustrated but come on, overreaction is overreaction.

So, EVERY fan of the Angels is wanting to blow up the team and waive half its players and coaches?


Holy hyperbole, Batman!

Edited by Mark68
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half the players and coaches, you're the one exaggerating here.

... whatever, if thats the one part you want to attack have at it.

cant wait to see the off season conversations .  it was bad enough wwhen we played bad and missed the post.. this ought to be a new low .


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