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I'm embarrassed I wanted Josh back


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I feel like a moron too.  Maybe I was being an optimist, but I really thought he'd come through with the winning hit (or go ahead earlier) and erase all of the BS of the last 2 years and give us a moment to remember.  Boy was I wrong.  Fans were pissed at him through the whole game, I watched standing behind the 200's and als in the 500's, several fans were booing him and talking endless shit about him.  Made my cracks about him look like child's play.

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When has he ever done anything in the 2 years he has been here?


The last time he hit a HR in Angels Stadium was August 18th ... of 2013.


Angels still owe him $75 Million.  He's not going anywhere.


He was on fire the first two weeks of the season until he decided to dive into first base and tear up his thumb.


That's the only time I can recall.

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He's garbage. His AB's and his defense tonight were awful

I guess you don't watch much in the way of defense.  His catch against the wall saved a run, and he also made a nice sliding grab of a ball in shallow left while having to avoid Aybar.  You can see the first one on the highlights clips.  Or maybe you would rather make stuff up.  I agree about his AB's, but we all new that was a gamble going in.  I guess everyone can pick on whom they want, but the Trout, Pujols, and Kendrick AB's were not much better, and they were hitting in prime lineup positions.

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I'll admit that I wanted Josh back, I still think he CAN be a difference maker but he needs consistent AB's. The problem with that of course is that with a loss tonight, we don't have that opportunity to waste a spot in the lineup another day in a row. Cowgill should play over him until Sosh can figure out a way to get him a couple looks (maybe late in the game if we're up by enough) who knows.


That all being said, he did absolutely no worse than Kendrick tonight. His performance concerns me significantly less than the rest of the team.

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I'd be happy with Cowgill playing over Josh......He looks completely lost out there. We don't have time to be f'n around.

I think that's the thing that frustrates me....It's hard to believe that he could have been productive missing as much time as he has....forget the big contract, attitude questions....anybody who has missed that much time just isn't likely to help you any....We are so desperate at SP that I guess you have no choice but to go with Shoe...Really frustrating that Hamilton wasn't just a net zero, he was a real problem....his defense likely cost us KC's first run and he was helpless at the plate with the game on the line...but it was pretty obvious that Scioscia was going to play him come hell or high water....maybe he wakes up tonite...

Edited by DMVol
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It's funny the guy I was sitting next to last night at the game kept saying to me, "Hamilton is going to do something right here."  He was so optimistic about Hamilton and was very disappointed.  Were any of you sitting in F113 last night?

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